
XXXVII. Vengeance


I reveled in the pleasure of being on solid ground again. My head began to clear up, the dizziness the leaving me. I was amazed by the wonder of it all. Not more that five minutes before had I been back at Ivan's house and now I was here. And 'here' was quite far from home.

My eyes travelled the room, taking everything in, from the shining stone floors to the spectacular view of the sky. The room was circular and large, with a grand cupola forming its ceiling. Large sculpted pillars held up the dome above us and in between them there were spaces allowing for a nice view.

I shifted my attention back at the people before us. Directly in front of me stood a tall, heavy brown-eyed man with a head of long, curly, blonde hair. He eyed me top to bottom, saying nothing.

Three people stood behind the giant of a man: a woman dressed in a leather military jacket and leather pants to match, a man dressed the same way and a young woman who wore a simple white dress.

"Sir," the built man greeted Ivan. He gave a brief bow and the people behind him replicated his actions. This had me wondering: in the future would I have to bow too?

"Grayson, it is good to see you again," Ivan's tone was relaxed. I established that the two men were probably friends. Their gestures around each other were comfortable, showing familiarity between the two. "This is Cara Matthews." He introduced me as if I were a some important person. It was good to know that he thought I deserved a such a formal introduction.

Grayson's facial expression changed. He turned to me and gave me a smile, " a great pleasure to meet you, Miss Matthews." Only as he leaned down did I see the gruesome lash that ran from the side of his cheek down to his neck and possibly further. The rest of the healed cut was covered up by his shirt.

Our eyes suddenly met and my immediate thought was 'shit! He caught me staring. '

I quietly hoped that he would not get angry. He looked like the temperamental type, like any second now he would lose his cool.

"Relax. I don't mind you staring," said Grayson, smiling. My nerves calmed. Undeterred by his open invitation to stare, I averted my eyes. But curiosity had already sparked inside me. I now wanted to know the story behind his marks.

Ivan directed a harsh glare at Grayson and the latter turned to him.

"Excuse us. Cara here needs to be shown around."


As promised, I was shown around the castle. From what I gathered it was more of a fortress than a palace. Guards stood at each corner, holding large spears with them. They remained silently alert as were passed.

The fortress held a theme of modern royalty highlighted by medieval touches. 

In it were more than a thousand rooms, each better than the last. My favorite place in the castle was the garden. 

Nestled at the center of the castle was a wonderful garden that extended just outside the buildings but still in the compound. The garden had all sorts of flowers. Ivan sat on the bench by the pond as I wandered around, taking my time to admire the plants. I developed a liking for the white tulips.

"I really like this place. It's so beautiful," I told Ivan. " What's your favorite place in the castle?"

He turned to me, "...come to think of it, I don't truly like anywhere in the castle."

" What? You can't be serious. Your own castle and you don't even like it. What do you like then?...No, let me give you a bit of a challenge. Name five things that you actually like."

He made his way towards me,"I like you, for one. Two:  I like that you like me."

I cut him off, " who told you I like you?" I  crossed my arms over my chest playfully.

"I believe you've made it very clear. We both know you can't get enough of me," he smiled cheekily at me and I chuckled. Ivan did in fact have a playful side, he just didn't show it much.

"Oh really? I demand evidence. Immediately."

Instantly, he grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me in place before kissing me. He took my lips passionately and demandingly. He made it clear that he was in charge. He always asserted his dominance. Everywhere he went, everything he did, he was in charge and he knew it, made sure of it.

His hands descended by back, resting smoothly on my bottom. My body pulled back from him, the new action alarming me. I spoke again," how is any of that evidence?"

"If you did not in deed like me you would have disapproved me kissing you."

I laughed and kissed him again.


After walking around for most of the day, seeing each and every room in the castle, we finally alighted at the one that would be mine.  The sun was just setting when Ivan opened the door to my chambers for me.

What I noted about this new room was that it was way cozier than my previous one. On opening the door, the first thing you see would be a large wooden four poster bed with thick white blankets spread over it and huge pillows laying on the comforter.

Soft feathery rugs were placed subtly in the room covering a few parts of the wooden floors. The furniture was welcoming yet classy.

"How do you find it?" Ivan inquired beside me.

"It's not too shabby," I responded.

All of a sudden I was reminded of my home and my reasons for being here. I remembered that my presence was a menace to my own father's safety.It all came back to me. I'd somehow forgotten  all about why I was here. That there was apparently a dangerous old witch in pursuit of my life. The same witch had attacked my friend and could harm my father. And as I'd been enjoying my time with Ivan my dad was all alone in the house, scared out of his mind for my security.

"I know its not the same, but I vow that I will do everything in my power to keep you and your father safe. I will find Zoladie and I will kill her," he vowed. I feared his words, and the plans I knew he was making in his head, but I nodded. Seeing my friend in a bad state had stirred up something inside me and now I wanted vengeance, for Liza, for my dad

Ivan promised to make her pay and I wanted just that.



Tannic never fails, I thought, swirling the barn red drink in the glass. I took another sip. The drink was full-bodied and firm in my mouth. It also carried an angular taste, hitting my taste buds in all directions.

I looked out into the night once again. The sun had just set and the moon was risen. Tonight's was a bright gibbous, lighting the starry sky.

Maybe it was the wine but I was in particularly good spirits. I took another sip, the warmth of it spreading across my chest. The view of the Crystal Lake, a short walk from where I was, was even better now that I was intoxicated.

A knock came at the door. I sighed in anger, already having a feeling of who it was on the other side. Only one person had a knack for disrupting my peace and quiet. 

Meria walked in, not bothering to shut the door behind her. She spoke, " oh , Kova. Is there ever a time when you are not either drunk or drinking?"

I did not face her, but continued to watch the shimmering waters of the Crystal Lake. I replied," yes, when I am high."

"You really should stop," she said as if she were giving me a valuable piece of advice. Why should she have cared? Besides, the children of Hecate are hardly affected by smokes and alcohols. The effect they had on us was minimal and we rarely got head-in-the-toilet drunk.

"I'll stop when you pull the immense log out of your ass." I shot back. I faced her. Her expression was annoyed. I was satisfied.

"I am not here to fight. I would not degrade myself by fighting you." She flipped her hair with her hand, flashing her sparkling ring. Something stung my insides. Why did it hurt me so much, seeing her with Keith? Keith was an old, ancient flame, it shouldn't have mattered. I should have stopped caring.

I refocused my attention on Meria, who had continued speaking even after I zoned off. " A missive has arrived," she paused. Premonition filled me." From the King's court. He has summoned you and you granddaughter. "

The heat in my abdomen increased significantly.

"Travel tonight. He wants an audience by morning. Early in the morning...Have you heard? By morning, both you and your granddaughter are to be at the castle. Proper accommodation will be provided."

'Proper accommodations', that meant our stay would be long. I'd seen this coming but now I wasn't prepared. It was obvious that the king wanted to use my granddaughter and I to find Zoladie, given our relation to her.

"A portal is ready to take you where you need to go. Get your granddaughter and then portal directly to the castle." With that she left.

Raw anger flowed through me and I snapped, throwing the glass in my hand at one of the pillars. Wine flew out, staining my dress, but I couldn't care less at the time.

Think, quick.

Do something!

I wasn't just going to hand the king my granddaughter. Alice was young and practically human. She was so naïve. She knew nothing about this world. The king sending for her and I meant that they hadn't found Zoladie - they never would, no one was a crafty as her. And if I knew the king well, I knew that he was going to use any means necessary  to drag her out of whatever hole she was hiding in. There was a reason they said that his kind were born from the dark side of the moon. They had a darkness in them.

Energy stone!

I had a light bulb moment. A sudden idea on how I would escape the king's hold came to me. I wasn't going to let him lay a hand on my granddaughter. Not now. Not ever.

I just needed an energy stone, fast.

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