
chapter two

"Welcome, Miss Rodriguez. Please come inside; your classroom awaits."

With her textbooks in hand and bag slung over her shoulder, Angel entered the room.

"Good day, everyone." greeted the principal, "We have a new addition to our class. I will allow her to introduce herself," The principal declared, beckoning Angel forward with a welcoming smile.

She pivoted herself in front of the class. The attention of the class turned to her.

"Hello, I am Angel Rodriguez, a scholarship student transferring here," she said, maintaining a constant smile on her face.

The class welcomed her in unison, "Welcome Angel."

"Wow, we have a beauty in our class."

"Do you want to be my friend?"

"Scholarship? Then you must be brilliant!" Students murmured, impressed. The principal was done with her work and left Angel to her teacher.

"Any empty seat?" the teacher asked.

"Yes Miss Mandy, one is .... here" A girl from behind motioned with her hand, an empty seat at the back.

However, silence fell over the class as their eyes gravitated to a specific empty seat in the far right corner- next to the school's arrogant prince, a spot no one dared occupy, a seat beside Evan.

Angel's eyes met Evan sitting there. He looked as if he wouldn't be shaken by an earthquake. He was not caring about whatever was going on in the classroom, especially not her. He rather leans with folded arms, eyes closed in his chair.

Angel frowned in annoyance. "Impudence!" she murmured undertone to herself.

She chose not to care about his behavior either. She was ever ready to speak her mind, fueled by earlier confrontation. But she knew not to get closer to his toxins. Unfortunately, that was the only empty seat.

"Miss Rodriguez, you can have your seat there." The teacher instructed, directing her hand at the empty seat beside Evan.

"Huh? Must... I sit there?"

The teacher nodded in approval. All the students looked at Angel with fear from the guys and disdain from the girls who thought she was lucky to be seated beside the school prince. Lucky indeed.

"Miss Rodriguez, please take that seat," the teacher urged, offering a warm smile.

Angel would wish to decline but that was the only seat left. Besides that is their classroom and the annoying prince wouldn't dare mess with her.

She confidently nodded and started walking towards the seat. The classroom looked like the villain was making a gruesome entrance. If it had been a movie, the background sound would send fear through one's being.

The attention of everyone in the class shifted between Miss Brave and The Demon Prince.

As strange as it looked, Angel met the seat occupied by a backpack that was not earlier there. Evan had his backpack on the chair, purposefully to mark his territory.

"Could you relocate your items? I need to sit," They were thinking Angel would be nervous and shaking with fear. Miss Brave was far from being polite. Her tone of voice was endearing.

She placed her books on the table, folding her arms to look at Evan who remained unfazed.

Of course, she wasn't going to wait for Evan to move his things, something that would never happen. She moved his bag to his desk, a move that sparked a reaction from Evan. His once sullen expression shifted to one of irritation. Angel arranged her belongings on the table and eased into her seat.

However, the demon prince of the classroom abruptly kicked the chair, causing Angel to tumble to the floor with a cry of pain.

"Ouch! damn it!"

Giggles filled the classroom, but Evan remained silent, not joining in. His actions were not meant to amuse, but rather to make a point - Never mess with me!

With a pained expression, Angel rose from the floor and slammed her bag onto the table, her face contorted with anger.

"You insolent brat!" Angel's voice reverberated through the room, silencing the chatter. Yet Evan paid her no mind. He leans by the window, indifferent to the commotion around him, his eyes closed. That infuriates Angel the more.

"How dare you..."

"Miss Rodriguez, Mr. Baristanas, please accompany me to the principal's office," the teacher's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, cutting short Angel's sentence.

Evan nonchalantly rose from his seat. To think he obeys the command in one go. But he is a Baristanas and knows too well his status makes him untouchable.

As he walked past her, he brushed his shoulders against hers, to Angel's rage.



At the principal's office.

"Miss Rodriguez, I will have to apologize for MrBaristanas's actions. I hope you will forgive him." The principal addressed Angel. It was not a wonder to her since she knew the school did not reprimand Evan.

"I assure you, Evan will not behave this way again," the principal promised.

Out of nowhere, Evan burst out into sarcastic laughter, drawing all attention to himself. He sat upright, fixing his cold glare on the principal.

"Aren't my parent supposed to make such assurances? Come on, why don't you call Mr Baristanas to come and offer an apology?" His eyes blazed with anger, like a wounded lion.

"That will be all, Miss Rodriguez. You may return to your class," the principal instructed swiftly, trying to diffuse the escalating situation.

"Alright," Angel replied with a slight bow, though she had no intention of leaving so easily. It wasn't a bad idea for his father to apologize, yet...

"Why don't you demand an apology in person from Chad Baristanas? It should be an honor for you," The question was purely meant for Angel.

"Miss Rodriguez, please go," the principal urged, but Evan swiftly ran to block Angel's path, grabbing her by the collar.

"Let me go!" Angel demanded.

"Evan!" the principal called out.

"Mr. Baristanas!" the teacher added.

"Should I hurt someone before he can come here?Call him. I'm sure he will run to this place if he hears his son is causing trouble. " Evan threatened, his eyes ablaze with fury.

The tension in the room escalated as Angel directed a furious gaze towards Evan, whose face bore an unrecognizable devilish expression.

Evan's grip tightened, signaling to the principal that his threats were serious and she had no choice but to act.

As soon as the call concluded, Evan released Angel. He then composed himself, taking a seat in a nearby chair.

"Your father will arrive in 10 minutes," the principal informed Evan, noting a hint of satisfaction in his reaction.

The teacher was concerned and hurried to Angel's side. "Are you alright, Miss Rodriguez?"

Angel, fixated on Evan's smirking face, felt frustrated that he had involved her in his problems. She wished she could unleash her anger on him, but realized his demeanor indicated he was not to be trifled with.

" I once again apologize on behalf of Evan," the principal assured Angel, " I know his father would also apologize upon his arrival. Mrs. Mandy escorted Angel back to her classroom"

Angel had no choice but to exit the office with the teacher supporting her by the arm. What just happened in the principal's office was making herraged.

"Ma'am, may I use the washroom? "

"Right at the end of the hallway. I will leave you here."

Right outside, Angel requested and the teacher was polite to guide her there. Her face displayed remorse I er how a new student like Angel had to endure Evan's annoyance.

Angel stood in front of the mirror in the washroom, taking a moment to compose herself. It had been chaotic since she arrived at the school all because of one person.

But then her face changed into a devilish grin.

" To think that your son made my mission simple.

He led you directly to me Mr. Baristanas!

Now, it's time!"

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