


I can't remember the last time someone pushed me to this level of rage.

I'm furious Richard is here. And I heard what he said to Camille.

He told her he loved her and sold her a vision of the future any girl would give her soul for. Dreams, children. A life.

A nomad like me who came from an unstable home, watched his mother die, and prefers the company of the sea couldn't offer a girl like her anything of the sort.

I don't have dreams, and I can't see a future. When I try to, all I see there is darkness and doom.

I know, in whatever is left of my heart, that's because his father—our father—took my mother away from me. She was my home.

Richard stands and stares at me head on, squaring his shoulders like he's ready for the fight I want to give him, but he doesn't know there's no way back when you fight me.

"Like to see me try? Really?" His nostrils flare. "Well I already am trying."

"She's mine and you're not getting her back." I move forward and Camille shoots up to step in fro
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