
What's my name?

Molly went to check the door in the back alley to see if maybe there was someone there but there wasn't. All there was were two large overflowing bins with a stray cat rummaging through one of them.

She walked to the back door and tried to open it but it was locked too.

"Ugh come on," Molly shouted. She was just about to make her way back to the front when just then a portal opened out of nowhere behind her.

It opened as quiet as the air and so she didn't hear it but she did sense it; the same feeling that came over her before when it showed up coming over her again, cold like ice down her back.

Molly froze as all the hairs on her skin stood up, there was only one time she felt that way and that was when the thing was near her and about to suck her life out of her so she knew immediately that she was in trouble.

She looked back and out of the dark portal walked out the Chasen. It was the first time she was seeing it face to face and she wished she hadn't because it was a monstrosity of a creation.

The Chasen was a cyborg made of black metal and was as buff as the Hulk; half alien ogre and half machine. Its whole body was machine, including its left eye and part of its head, with metallic tubes coming out of the flesh of its exposed spine that attached to the other parts of its body, whilst the rest of it, its head, was flesh. It was dark brown in colour, had stitched up scars almost up everywhere and had four tusks protruding out of its mouth.

Molly had the living daylights scared out of her, what was she looking at? There was a massive creature towering over her and it had the meanest look in its crocodile-like eyes.

She screamed and ran off but the Chasen, taking just one step forward, grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back. It lifted her up by it and with not a second to waste it placed its hand over her face and began to suck her soul out.

Molly went on screaming and struggled to get free but the grip it had on her was near to impossible to break free from.

The Chasen drained her body of her soul and when there was none of it left it dropped her to the ground and walked back to its portal and disappeared behind it, with Molly lying on the ground motionless. The Chasen had found her and killed her again.

An hour later an ambulance was called on the scene. Someone had seen Molly lying on the ground and when she went to check on her and felt that she was cold and saw that she wasn't breathing she called for an ambulance.

The paramedics arrived and though they got there as quick as they could it was already too late, Molly was long gone. Her body was put in a body bag and driven to the hospital where it was then delivered to the morgue.

At the police station, Det. Brighton was seated by his desk with his phone to his ear trying to reach someone. It was Molly. He had been trying to reach her for the last thirty minutes but she wasn't answering.

"Come on Molly pick up . . . Pick up," he said as the call just rang and rang and rang. The call cut and he dialled her number again and put it on the table to free his hands so that he could get his coat on.

Just then the call was answered and he picked his phone up quick almost even dropping it.

"Molly?" he said and waited to hear her voice on the other end but didn't. Instead he heard someone else's.

"Hello?" a man said.

"Who's this? Where's Molly?"

"My name is Sean. I'm a paramedic at Lukeson Hospital."

"A paramedic? What are you doing with Molly's . . ." He froze as it immediately hit him. "Where is she? Where's Molly? Is she o.k.?" Det. Brighton asked.

"I'm sorry but . . . Molly's dead."


"We were called onto the scene but by the time we got there it was too late, she was gone . . . I'm sorry," the man said and Det. Brighton's heart dropped right out of his chest. He was hoping to hear her voice but what he heard instead was the worst possible thing he could have ever heard in that moment. Molly dead, it couldn't be.

He grabbed his keys and raced to Lukeson Hospital to see if it really was his Molly that was dead and when he got there and was shown the body, it was. It was his Molly and standing there looking down at her Det. Brighton was reduced to tears as inside his heart turned a dark shade of blue. He told her that he was going to do everything in his power to make sure what happened to her didn't happen again and it did. He promised her that she was going to be o.k. and she wasn't. She was lying right in front of him and she was dead.

Det. Brighton dropped his head. He had failed her again. He was supposed to ensure her safety and he didn't and it felt like his entire world came crumbling down. She trusted him enough to open up about what was happening to her, as crazy as it sounded, and though he didn't fully believe her because what she was saying was on another level of insane, he promised to be there for her. He saw how affected by it she was and that drew him to want to protect her; she was alone and she was scared and he wanted to show her that she could count on him but he failed. She trusted him to help her and protect her and what happened? He let her down.

With Molly the same thing happened. One moment her world went dark and the next moment light cut through that darkness and she woke up.

She was sleeping when suddenly she popped out of her dreams screaming; shifting her eyes from one corner of the room to the other wondering where she was.

It was a small room with nothing in it but a single bed, a door, four walls, a large barred window, a floor and a roof and sitting there breathless and trying to catch her breath, Molly looked down at herself. Her skin tone was not only different but she had a few small tattoos on her arms. She then began feeling herself; her chest, her face and her hair. Who was she now? And where was she?

Molly quickly got off the bed and ran to the window to look out of it and see if she could tell where she was but she couldn't. There was nothing out there but green grass and trees as far as the eye could see.

Again she felt her face and looked down at herself; she was wearing a hospital gown and a pair of white socks. Where had she woken up and as who?

Molly fell to her knees and burst into tears; hyperventilating, not only haunted by the sight of coming face to face with the Chasen in all his glory and him killing her yet again but shaken at the strange feeling that came over her as her soul and mind began to familiarize themselves with their new body.

She felt so different. She had began to get used to the feel of being Molly Anderson and so waking up as someone new felt like she was a puppet being controlled by someone else. It felt like she was dreaming but she wasn't; it was real and it was that realness that brought an ache to Molly's chest. The Chasen had got her again and she had succumbed to the dreadful feeling she was hoping to never feel again. An experience that was so traumatizing it took a piece of her away each time each happened.

What was happening to her? Why was it happening to her? She kept dying and coming back, why? How? And that thing that had killed her three times now, why was it after her? What did it want with her? Nothing made any sense and it had Molly's mind almost splitting in half. From having the perfect life to dying and jumping from one body to another, what was going on?

An hour later, Molly was lying down on the bed; holding herself close and quietly crying. She had no idea who she was or where she was and it brought the deep feeling of loneliness upon her.

Just then the door to her room was unlocked and swung open and when she looked back there was a nurse walking in with a tray in her hand. It had a plastic cup of water and three smaller plastic cups with different coloured pills in them. Her name was Nurse Maria.

"Up Sanchez, time for you to take your medicine," she said and Molly sat up.

"What? I'm sorry I didn't get that I don't speak Spanish," Molly said and the nurse paused and gave her a look. She just said she didn't speak Spanish but just spoke in Spanish, very fluently even. "What? I'm speaking Spanish . . . I can speak Spanish."

"Yes you can."

"No I can't. I tried to learn but I kept on forgetting so I just stopped."

"Well you can now so congratulations," Nurse Maria said. "Now come and take your medicine."

"Medicine for what?"

"The medicine you've been taking for the past two weeks."

"For what?" Molly asked.

"For your depression."

"I'm depressed?"

"Yes, you were diagnosed by Dr. Diaz when you got here and you were put on a treatment which involves therapy sessions and this medicine," Nurse Maria responded.

"Where am I?"

"You're at St. Miguel's mental asylum."

"Mental asylum?"

"Yes, you were brought here two weeks ago and have been in treatment ever since."

"Who am I?" Molly asked.


"What's my name?"

"Your name is Molly Sanchez," Nurse Maria answered.

"Molly Sanchez," Molly repeated and like everything else it was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time; a feeling that brought an uneasiness to her heart it started to pound as her breaths began to get shorter.

"Are you alright?"

"No I'm not. I want to go home."

"You can't, your treatment is not over yet,"  Nurse Maria.

"No, I want to go home now. You have to let me leave."

"Molly calm down, you're safe here."

"No I'm not. I'm not safe here at all," Molly said as she got off the bed; still speaking a language she never even knew she could speak. "That thing is going to come here and it is going to kill me."

"You're safe here Molly nothing is going to hurt you."

"No! I can't stay in here. You have to let me out. That thing is going to come here and kill me."

"Nothing is going to hurt you Molly you're safe here just calm down," Nurse Maria said putting the tray on the bed.

"No you don't understand. It's going to find me and kill me again. Please, you have to let me go. I can't die. Not again, please," she said and broke down.

"Nothing is going to hurt you my dear you're safe here."

"No I'm not." Nurse Maria went to her side to comfort her when just then Molly pushed her to the floor and ran out of the room.

"Molly! Molly!" she shouted and pulled her radio out of her pocket and quickly called in for back up. "Julio! Julio!"

"Yes Maria," a voice came in on the radio; also speaking Spanish.

"It's Sanchez, she's making a run for it again."

"Don't worry we got her."

Molly ran down the corridor and came to a cross junction. She looked straight, left and then right where she saw another nurse heading for the door pushing a trolley of metal trays.

The nurse reached the door and used her card to get it open when just then Molly came out of nowhere and pushed her to the side. She fell to the floor with the trays sliding off the trolley and clattering as Molly ran through the door and ran on.

"Ay stop! Stop!" the nurse shouted.

Molly reached another cross junction and was about to run down the open door to her left when just then three security guards came through the very door and chased after her.

"Molly stop!" Julio shouted.

She saw them coming and ran down another corridor. She reached a door and tried to get it open but it was locked. It was then that she started banging on it.

"Let me out! Let me out!" Molly shouted as behind her Julio and the two other security guards caught up to her and tackled her to the floor. "No! Noooo!"

A moment later Molly was in solitary confinement. Sitting in one of the corners crying whilst keeping her eyes peeled. She knew the Chasen was going to show up, when was the question.

Night time came and as two security guards working in the surveillance room were monitoring the feed coming in from the cameras suddenly one of them went black.

"Mr. Martinez look. The camera in the solitary confinement room went black," the other security guard said and Mr. Martinez looked there. It was black.

"What did you do?" Mr. Martinez asked.

"Nothing sir, I was just sitting here and it went black."

"Bring up the audio let's hear."

"Yes sir," he said and pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and the audio came up. Molly screaming her lungs out for help.

The two security guards looked at each other and without saying anything got off their chairs and raced out of the surveillance room.

They ran down the corridors to the solitary confinement room and when they opened the door it was quiet. Molly wasn't screaming anymore, she was lying on the floor as still as a rock.

"Molly! Molly!" Mr. Martinez shouted as he ran to her side. He turned her onto her back and when he did she was pale, so pale he threw his head a little back when he saw her. He then placed two fingers on her neck to check her pulse but there was none.

"Is she o.k.?" the other security guard asked.

"No she's not." He looked up at him with his face drained. "She's dead."

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