

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

~Howard Thurman


"Princess." I heard a faint voice groan.

"Princess are you awake?" it came again but I hid my face in something that smelt so good, I knew this scent, it was all too familiar but I just couldn't place who it was for some reason.

I felt my mouth move and let out a sentence that probably never made sense.

"Are you complimenting me in your sleep." The voice laughed.

I felt my mouth move again obviously replying but I couldn't understand myself.

"Is that so?" the voice let out a sexy chuckle.

"Kiss me." the words slipped out of my mouth and my eyes shot open with shock, I blinked furious comprehending what the hell I just said now that I was fully awake.

Say something, save yourself

"Princess." the voice called and my face flashed red when realization hit me hard, the voice belonged to no other than
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