
The Ex Wife's Billionaire Lover
The Ex Wife's Billionaire Lover
Author: DellDiamond

Chapter 1

I looked at the time, it was 5 pm already. 'Why isn't he home yet?" Jack closes from office and comes home immediately after. It's been an hour already. I frowned looking at the clock. Maybe he was very busy? Or had somewhere to be? I dialed his number. "The number you're calling cannot be reached.' It said.

I sighed. I heard a car pull up. Ah! He's back. I arranged my hair waiting for my husband to come in. The first thing he normally does is attack me with kisses and with a warm smile planted on his face but it wasn't so this time.

Jack walked in with anger plastered on his face. He glared at me. " What happened?" I asked him. "You whore!" He snarled.

"You thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you? You behave all innocent. You thought you could trick me, fucking other guys behind my back, you slut!" His words were venom.

"What are you talking about, Jack? What do you mean I sl-" he cuts me off?

"Don't you dare act like you don't know what I am talking about?" He screamed.

"I do not know what you're talking about, Jack!" I screamed back.

"So you're not going to admit it?"

"Admit what?!" I was frustrated.

"That you cheated on me."

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"A liar and a slut!" He spat angrily.

I couldn't believe he would think I would cheat on him, we've been together for 2 years already. We've loved each other for two years now, isn't that enough for him to trust me? 

"I didn't cheat on you! Why won't you believe me!" I screamed at him. 

He scoffed and stuffed his hand in his left pocket. He brought out a picture of me on a bed, with an unknown guy. What? I don't remember that, where did he get that from? 

"You didn't cheat on me? Then what is this, how are you the one in this picture?" he glared at me. 

"You have to believe me, Jack, this isn't me." I pleaded and tried reaching out to him, but he ducked away. 

"My private secretary, investigated in this issue, the person in this picture is you," he sneered. 

"Get out of my house, we're done." he spat. No, no, he can't do this to me... Not when I don't have anywhere to go, not when I'm...

"No please, Jack, you can't do this, that isn't me in the picture, someone must be trying to frame me please..." I pleaded.

"Oh someone is trying to frame you? What a pathetic excuse." He said.

He called for security. "Go up to her room, bring down her stuff," he ordered the security man. 

"Please! I didn't cheat on you. Why won't you believe me?! I love you so much. Why would I cheat on you?"

"Perhaps you're a gold digger," he said coldly. This wasn't the Jack I knew. The Jack I knew wouldn't do this. I wanted to believe that I was in a dream. This can't be real. 

The security man came back minutes later. 

"No, please. I didn't cheat on them, I promise, I have no idea why that person looks so much like me, but she isn't me.." I pleaded. 

He motioned for the security to take me away. "please! I'm with child! I am with your child, Jack! Your baby!" 

He laughed suddenly. It was a bitter laugh. "Oh Lily, we both know that bastard isn't mine." He snarled.

"It's yours! I have never been with any other man! You're the only man have ever been with, I swear!"

"Cut the crap! To find the man who implanted that bastard in you. I want nothing to do with a whore or with the bastard child in you." He snarled.

I was speechless. I just shook my head.

"Get out of my house! the divorce papers would be sent to you... Where ever you are," he said walking away. Tears rolled down my eyes. 

What was I going to do? The security man escorted me to the gate. I turned around looking back at the house, before turning to walk away. 

I dragged my luggage along with me. I stood at the gate. Maybe he might come out later and I might try to convince him that the lady in the picture isn't me. I wanted to cry. Who would do such a thing to me? I haven't wronged anyone.

Suddenly the gates opened, Jack's car drove out, moving closer to the car, I hit the window with my hand. "Please, Jack. You've to believe me, the person in the picture isn't me." I pleaded, but the window was locked. I'm not sure if he heard me.

He drove off carelessly. 

I couldn't help the tears that streamed out my eyes. 

I sat down on the floor. It was a really quiet place. And it was really cold. I rubbed my hands together. I stayed there. I didn't know when I fell asleep. I woke up when a car honked. 

It was Jack. He has arrived. I quickly stood up, going near his car. I spotted a lady in it. He got out of the car and came toward me. 

"What the hell are you still doing here!" he screamed at me. 

"Please, we've to talk-." I tried to plead with him, but he cuts me off.

"I have nothing to talk about with you. Just go and wait for the divorce papers. It would come tomorrow." he said blankly.

Just then, the girl who was inside his car came out. She was almost naked. Wasn't she cold? It felt like I could die any moment from the cold and here she was, technically naked.

And he called me a whore...

"Baby, who is she?" she faked smiling at me. She was tall, probably 6ft, and she also had hills on. 

"She is no one, no one you need to know," Jack told her. 

That hurts.

"You can go now, I don't want you here." he gritted out at me. 

He led the lady back to his car, holding her by her waist. 

The gates opened. He drove in. 

Tears flew down my eyes again. 

Where was I going to sleep? I should probably go to a hotel. It was really cold here. 

I walked down the road. I spotted a cab. I waved at it. The cab stopped in front of me. I went to the window opposite the driver's seat. 

"Good evening, please can you take me to any hotel nearby?" I asked him and he nodded his head. 

I went to the back seat, with my luggage. The driver drove for 20 mins. He suddenly turned towards me. 

"We're here ma'am," he said 

I got out giving him his money. 

I stood in front of the hotel. Sigh. I walked in slowly. Spotting the receptionist I walked towards where she was. 

"hi, I'm here for a room," I told her.

She nodded her head. "a room is 350 dollars per night." she said. My jaw dropped. 

"I'd be here for more than a night, can you decrease the price?" I asked. 

Of course, she can't!

"no ma'am, I'm sorry," she replied. 

What was I going to do? I can't even stay here for a night, it's so expensive. Jesus.

I have a baby, growing inside of me...

I sighed going out of the hotel. I looked around. I need to find a cheaper hotel. 

But it was already really late. I walked around looking for a place Where I could sleep tonight.

I rubbed my hands together, it was getting colder by the minute.

Then I spotted a place. I went up to it. There were few people there. Men, women, families.

I looked for a place to lay, everywhere was almost occupied. I saw a place. Oh, Thank god!

I walked up slowly to the place. Did I mention I was really tired? 

I bought out a cloth spreading it on the ground. I locked back my luggage and laid down. 

My stomach growled. 

It hurts, I was really hungry. I was starving my child. But it was just for tonight, hopefully. I will find something to eat early tomorrow. It's really risky to walk around by this time of the night. 

I closed my eyes, and images of what happened earlier flowed into my brain. I tightened my closed eyes, tears flew out. 

Soon... I dozed off. 


I woke up as I felt the morning sun pierce through my eyes. 

I slowly stood up, I have to find a place to stay, I can't stay here, just a night, My body felt like it could break any moment. I need to find a place to stay. 

I can't believe Jack had let me go, he knew I had no family, my parents died when I was a child. My twin sister also died with them. We were identical. 

I folded the cloth I had spread on the floor and put it back in my luggage, I walked away from the place. 

Renting a place would be better than staying in a hotel. But I'm not sure how much a room would cost. I had only 242 dollars. 

I had to eat something. I looked around. I spotted a small restaurant. In front of the restaurant, there is a sign. They needed a waiter. I walked in and ordered food. I was eating when my phone rang.

It was Jack's lawyer. My hands were suddenly shaking. I took the phone and answered the call. 

"Hello." I heard him say from the other line. 

"The divorce papers are ready, please come over to my office to sign them," he said. I cut off the line. 

I sighed. I ate and decided to go and sign it. This was what Jack wanted, right? He doesn't want me anymore...

I went outside and took a cab. I looked at the sign in front of the restaurant. I have to come back for that. 

I told the driver where to go when we arrived. I paid the driver. I went into the office. Something in me wished Jack was in there. 

When I got there. The lawyer was sitting down on his armchair. I walked up to him. He swayed the papers in front of me on the table. 

"sign it." I hated him. 

He dropped a pen on top of it. Jack already signed his. I couldn't believe he'd let go so easily. After all that we have had. He even moved on so quickly. I'm starting to doubt if he had ever loved me.

I took the pen with shaky hands and signed the papers. 

I knew there were people behind this. It doesn't matter now anyway, it's already done. The lawyer smiled at me. I turned around and quickly walked out of the building. 

When I was out. I bent down and sobbed. I was like that for minutes. Maybe an hour. 

If someone had told me this a year ago, I wouldn't have believed it. I had always thought Jack and I would spend the rest of our lives together.

And now, this happened.

My mind lingered on that restaurant of earlier, what if someone had gone for the job? I quickly left for the restaurant.

On reaching there I saw a lady. 

"Hi, I came for the job, the sign outside says you need a waiter.

"oh... Follow me." I followed her till we reached an office. A woman sat down there. She told the woman something and left. 

"so... You want to apply for the job." She asked, and I nodded my head. 

"do you have any experience in this?"

"no ma'am. But I'd appreciate it if you could give me the job, even if it's just for a while... I promise to work hard." 

"you look tired." She said observing me.

"yes, I'm ma'am." 

"I will give you the job and see what you can do." she smiled at me, She was nice. 

I smiled back. "thank you very much, ma'am." I smiled. "um... When should I start... the work?"

"you can start tomorrow, you look very tired dear, go and rest," she said. 

She was very kind.


2 and a half years later.


It's been two years since I've been working here. I had already given birth to my child. I made great friends here. When they found out I was pregnant. They were pestering me to tell them how it happened. I told them my story. They were stunned. But supported me through everything. 

I gave birth to a baby girl. I named her Carrie. She means the world to me. She grew a very huge bump in my heart. 

"noooo," she whined when I told her it was time for bed. She was with Sam, my friend. They were watching TV together.

"yes. It's time for bed, sweetie. You'd continue from where you stopped." I said. 

she shook her head, no.

She was adorable. 

"it's okay, sweetie. I'd be back before you know it tomorrow." Sam said to her. 

"Okay." she nodded going up to her room. She was in her PJs.

"So... They accepted you?"

I nodded. I was finally accepted into the company I have been wanting to enter for the past two years. When I told Sam about my university degree he urged me to get a job and he suggested the company. He told me so many good things about the company, including free travel for the employees. And the pay is very good. 

"Congratulations," he said smiling. "I knew you'd make it." 

"thank you," I said. I'd be starting the job tomorrow. 

Sam later left. 

I went up to Carrie's room, she was sleeping. I tucked her into the bed cover. I smiled looking at her, she was so cute. and after admiring her for what seemed like hours, I walked out of the room.

I went to my room and went straight to the bed. Fell on it. Soon I was asleep. 


I woke up when my alarm went off. I quickly jumped out of the bed. I took my bath, getting ready. I went to Carrie's room. She was still sleeping. Dana and Sammy would be here a few minutes from now. I waited for them. 

The doorbell dinged, I went to open the door.

"OMG! I can't believe you'd be working there. Do you know the owner of that massive company? He is very handsome! Do you know what they call him? Mr. Sexy" Dana gushed. It was like she was a crazed fan girl. I rolled my eyes

"Okay fine. I've to go now. Please take care of Carrie for me, if I wake her up now, she won't let me go anywhere." I said ignoring what she said, I didn't want her drama right now. I was running late.

"it's okay, we'll take care of her," Sam said smiling at me. 

"Okay bye." I rushed out.

"bye!" I heard them call. 

I took a cab to the company. I was nervous. I adjusted my clothes going into the building. 

I saw a lady, was she the secretary? I went to her. 

"hi, I am the new employee. Lily Hayden." I said. 

"oh... Please go through the elevator."

"thank you." I smiled. Then turned around to go to the elevator.

There were two elevators. Which one should I go into? I decided to go to the one on the right. 

The elevator was going up. Then suddenly it stopped. A man who was strikingly handsome and hot suddenly entered. Oh my God.

"what are you," he asked with an angry and annoyed tone. What the...

I turned to glare at him, it doesn't matter if he's handsome and all but he lacks manners. 

"excuse me, you don't just go around asking people that. Don't you have manners?" where did that come from? 

He was stunned at first. But recovered from it. 

"do you know who I am?" he sneered, I scoffed. 

I didn't answer him this time. 

"I am talking to you." he gritted out. I didn't need to know who he was. He was just a stupid, arrogant, handsome man. 


Soon the elevator dinged. I came out. A lady came up to me. The man looks extremely furious. 

The lady grabbed my arms and took me away. "why were you coming out of the private elevator? That place is only meant for the boss to ride on." she whispered. What? 

"was that man the boss, as in the one who owns the company?" 

She nods her head. 

Oh no. What should I do? 

Note to self: get to know a person, before you open your mouth to speak. 

A man came to us. "Boss said.. she's fired." he turned and left. 


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