
Chapter 87: Betrayed Again


"It's about your parents." Anthony said to me, making my smile fade from my face.

"What about them?" I asked him, getting curious. "Did you find anything about them? About their death? Did you..."

"Take a chill Aria." He said cutting me off. "We have to take one question at a time." He said to me,

One question at a time? He had to be kidding me. He had news about my parents, so why didn't he tell me when he arrived.

"Why didn't you tell me the news when you arrived from the meeting?" I asked him, getting a little bit annoyed.

"Because it could have ruined your mood and appetite." He said. "That was why I wanted us to first have dinner and take a walk."

He stood from the swing and came to stand before me looking at me in a way that I knew wasn't good. Whatever news he had for me concerning my parents death was not a good one. But no matter what it was, I wanted to hear it. How bad was it?

"Why are you looking at me that way?" I asked him, feeling my heartbeat rising.

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