

His lips touched hers in the briefest of touches as they brushed across hers. Sensations, emotions, raced through her like the heady wine she had earlier in the day, and just as strong, sending her swaying into him for more. Hearing him chuckle at her reaction, she felt his large, warm hands move from her face to her shoulders and pull her into his body. Mira felt her body soften and try to mold itself to her mate and soon to be husband. Laying her head on his broad chest, she whispered in the dark, "I want to see you."

She felt him remove a hand from her back and snap his fingers. Suddenly, flames appeared to dance on his fingertips. Gasping,she took a step back. Tine refused to release her and kept one arm wrapped securely around her waist. Looking up at him, she realized several things at once.

One, he was at least a foot taller than her 5'5 height, Two, his hair was a burnt bronze and his eyes were the deepset, purest emerald green she had ever seen. Three, his features were somehow familiar, but Mira couldn't quite place where she had seen them before. Four, he wasn't quite .....human, causing her to shiver.

Then, in a flash, it hit her! The vision at the ruins. He looked just like a perfect combination of the couple that lived there. The ones that had died in the collapse. Realization hit and showed on her face.

"You!" She said ad she stepped back in Tine's arms to look up at him. "You are a descendant of the couple who died in the final battle." Mira blinked as she started to realize what she was saying. "But....but that was 700 years ago!"

Tine gently pulled Mira's unresisting form back into his arms and wrapped his arms around her form. "Aye, however, I am not at liberty to reveal everything until we are wed. Then I will reveal all to you and the villagers. Although, I strongly suspect your mother is aware of who and what I am.' Tine reached down and gently brushed a few strands of hair that had fallen over one side of her face. Smiling down at her, he realized that once the ceremony was complete and they consummated it, she would stop aging as a human and age as a dragon.

Turning them towards the door, Tine whistled sharply. A signal for Tomias to open the door and allow them to exit the choosing room.

Across the countryside in a run-down inn, two men sat at a table in the dining hall, deep in their cups, the two bowls of once steaming stew on the table in front of them.

One looked at the other and sneered, "This is all your fault. You were told to take it easy, to woo her. Instead you sought to smother her and try control her every action. You were also warned of her heritage and that her mother was once a lorekeeper. Yet, the one time it was important, you couldn't control yourself. You had to run your mouth about that promise that I made to you when you were young. You stupid foolish brat! What did you think would happen. That she fall at your feet and worship you. You had not done anything to cause her to accept you. You have whined and attempted to monopolize her time and company."

The other man, young and very much intolerant of the reprimand that the older one was giving him, replied heatedly. "Word of her choosing has even reached this backwater. Even this hell-hole is aware of how important it is for this match to come about. They are aware that the male she chose is a descendant of the old ruling family. That, in fact, work will begin on a new castle for them to live and rule in. However, old man, some of the fault lies with you. But, I will have Mira. Even if it takes me years.

Tomias opened the door and allowed the couple to exit the choosing room. When they did exist, Mira watched in fascination as the old priest bowed and addressed her chosen as  "Your Lordship. Reaching out an old and frail hand for Tine to shake in acknowledgement.

"When will the ceremony take place, my Lord?" He asked. 

Tine looked down at Mira and smiled, "I think the coming full moon would be a great time. Don't you, Mira?"

As a lifelong resident Mira was aware of the significance of the coming full moon. It was a time of celebration. The harvest would have been gathered in and a feast would be held and each family, from the youngest to the oldest, the richest to the poorest, gave something for the feast. Some gave meat, some gave vegetables, some gave breads and then some donated wine, mead and ale. The celebration lasted from sunup to well into the night. Along with many newly married couples, and even older couples announcing the upcoming births after the celebrations.

"Yes, I think it's very appropriate for our marriage ceremony to take place the evening of the harvest celebration. Our people look forward to this time of year, and this will give them something more to look forward to. The young lord returning to his home to take up his rule and leadership and then taking his bride. Yes, it is a good idea." Then, a thought hit her. Looking over at the giant that was to be her husband she made a statement completely without irony or ire. "I don't know your name."

Tine laughed and leaned down to kiss her cheek as she turned a brilliant shade of red. "My name is Tine and it is the old language for fire. Come, I will walk you home. I am sure that you parents are anxious to meet me." Tine offered her his hand which she took without hesitation.

As they walked, Tine asked her questions. However, her gift never came up. What did come up was her formative years, her abilities, her education level, her likes and dislikes. Just as she was about to start questioning him, they reached her home. There in the window was a light announcing that her parents were waiting on her. Tine reached in and unlatched the gate and held it open while she walked through and stopped while he re-latched the gate. As the reached her front door, it suddenly swung open and there stood her mother.

Tine bowed to his mates mother in a courtly manner, As he straightened up, he noticed that her eyes were tilted rather sharply at the outer corner and the her hair was a fiery red. Both were dragon traits. He was slightly taken aback. He had hoped that some of his ancestors families were still here, knowing that many mated with the human population with many offspring such as Lady Amethyst.

Giving him a knowing look, she bowed and ushered her daughter into their home as she smiled at Tine while she shut the door.

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