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Lily dragged Caleb out of the house and Nathaniel followed as well. When they got out, they saw the van and then Gabriel sitting in his with his uniform tucked in well. He didn't look dirty like looked the other day. His hair was well-styled on his head, his skin was glowing like milk. He looked sharp as well.

Caleb quickly realized the reason their father didn't say a word while they said all those words to him. It must have hurt him to be spoken to in that manner. Nathaniel rushed to Gabriel and then tapped him in the back of his head.

“You bastard, why didn't you tell us you have been released?!”

Gabriel chuckled.

“Why did you hit me like that? Is this what you say to someone who wanted to surprise you?!” He chuckled.

“Is this a surprise? You left us, you bastard. We have said a lot of words to Father, not knowing that he had set you free.” Nathaniel slapped the back of his head again.

“Are you joking? Well, he deserves it. Why did he put me in prison knowing fully well that
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