


I've sat on the kitchen counter for the past two hours and I can feel every second of those hours in my legs, uncrossing them I jump off the counter because sitting on it hasn't brought me any results and it's not going to tell me who killed Mrs. Anderson or why? I don't want to think too much about it or make anything of it. I'm sure if the people had found me my grandparents would've let Mom and Dad know right?

I was just about to call them to find out when the front door opened and they walked in, they both went straight to their before mom came back down and came into the kitchen “ Hey sweetie, how was school?” she asked with a kiss on my forehead.

“It was eventful, did you guys hear about Mrs Anderson?” I asked them.

“ of course we did the whole town is buzzed about the news of her missing” Dad says before taking the seat next to me.

“ oh, sweetie I can see the wheels going off on your head talk to us, what are you thinking about?” Mom asked.

Shaking my head I said “ I don't know, it might be something, it might be nothing” I bit my lips while I still thought about my crazy idea “ Do you think that the people found me?”

“ Ah, that's a million-dollar question isn't It” My question got them both lost in their thoughts.

“Wouldn't the old man tell us?” Mom asks.

Dad slapped his hand on the counter and said “I'm sure he will, let's give it some time. The three of us got lost in our own thoughts until my dad said, “ Right! Your birthday is coming up, what's your plan?

“ No, I might just hang out with Amber as usual, i'm thinking about telling her the truth about me,” I told them.

“ Oh honey you are going to be eighteen and this is your last year in high school, you need to enjoy yourself, love. Do you think she'll believe you?”,my mother said from where she was standing. She and my dad shared a weird look that made me raise my eyebrows at them, making me second-guess my decision.

“ so? I don't really care about Mom, it's just a birthday and nothing more. I got my wolf and my powers have gotten stronger, so there's no need to celebrate anything big.” I told them because everything that matters to me has improved, I can only hope that Amber believes and trusts me. “ I don't know if she will, all I can do is wait and see”

There's a reason why I want her to know about me. When I met Amber she was living with her parents and everything was perfectly normal but in the second year of high school, she woke up to find the house empty with only her stuff in it. Her parents were gone leaving her behind, and to this day no one knows what happened to them or where they are. So I don't want to leave her behind when it's time for me to leave and I want to bring her with me, I know things will be crazy I just hope my friend can understand.

I decided to get some of my homework done for the night, pulling my phone out of my pocket I saw that Amber had texted me a dozen times, checking to see why she was driving me crazy, The first few texts were questions about what I was going to do for my birthday, then the second wave was her telling me that the guy Carter that she had a crush on is throwing a party that night and that we needed to go since I will be eighteen. Lastly, it was her telling me that we would go to the party and not to say no to her, how can I leave this bossy girl behind?

Throwing the phone on the bed, with a groan I followed suit pulling the covers over my head without answering my crazy best friend. She was the only one who could get me to go out that night, especially now that my parents asked me what I was going to do that night I didn't want to stay overthinking about things I had no control over because I knew I would no matter what. Right before the darkness enveloped me I thought I might as well go and have some fun.

The next morning I woke up to my mother shaking me awake and my dad singing Happy Birthday with a cake in his hand, groaning “Isn't it a bit too early for you guys to be this happy?” I mean I just shut my eyes and now the sun is shining in the room through my window.

“ Oh no it's not an early birthday girl, it's noon already and I bet you Amber is already on her way here,” my mom says.

With that alone, I was already up off the bed running toward the bathroom and getting into the shower, quickly putting my clothes on. I went downstairs to eat my birthday breakfast even though it was already noon, I felt like I could eat pancakes at any time of the day.

I was on my third bite of pancakes when she came through the door like the tornado that she is, “ Where is the Birthday girl?!!!!” she was saying in the doorway.

“ I don't how or where you get your energy from but I'm asking as a gift can we turn it down? “ not that I think she could but I love to mess with her.

Pouting she sat next to me “ You so mean “

Laughing I push some pancakes into her mouth “What's on the agenda today?”

Happily, she goes” Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you asked 'cause I have a lot of stuff for us today but first, we going shopping for tonight's party, then we going to do a Mani& Pedi and get your eyebrows done, and..” I stopped her “Girl take a deep breath and Let's start with shopping right” I took her hand and dragged her out of the house and into her car.

Whoever says that it is a good idea to spend your birthday with a hype best friend is a good idea lies big time, since the moment that Amber got me into the mall she dragged me into every store that was until we found something for the party tonight. I don't even feel like going anymore because I feel like my bones have broken and I want to lie in bed and don't wake up.

There was no time for rest once we got to the house, straight to showering and getting ready, my parents were downstairs watching TV waiting to see what Amber got me wearing to the party. We were coming down the stairs when we heard the scream and I knew it was my mother, rushing down with Amber right on my tail, we got there just in time to see my father fly and land against the wall.

While lying on the floor he goes “Girls get out of here”

We didn't have time to react because two masks men rushed up toward us and started attacking Amber and me. While I was fighting I heard my wolf say “They are not human “ and I knew my worst nightmare had come true, it meant that they had found me and it was time for me to go and claim what's mine.

Damn, what a birthday I thought while we watch two other guys wearing red brings down the ones that attack us.

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