
It Begun


I finished my workout when I was cornered by Janine. She had that weird smile on her face that made me think that she was up to something and that something always ends up being something bad and she wanted me to bail her out. Not having the energy to deal with her I walked past her and made my way toward my room, hoping that she would take that as a sign and move on but nope, she followed me into my room wrapping her arms around my waist and saying “ Wiinn!” ugh, how I hate it when she calls me that. I don't know why but for some reason today I'm feeling more and more annoyed by her presence than usual.

Not turning around but removing her arms around my waist I said: “ What is Janine?”

“Winston you have to help me,” She says and I'm thinking what the hell am I going to jhave to do to get her out of my room so I can go meet Grandad? Luckily I didn't have to wait for long “ My parents told me to accept my mate but I don't want to, I want to be your Luna”

Ah, that's what this is about, hmm great, finally turning to face her I say “ Being my Luna? What are your thoughts? Talking about it?”

“ well you know everyone is talking about you becoming the Alpha next month, surely you going to need a Luna and me being your girlfriend means that I'll be your Luna” Tracing her finger up down my arm she “Right, Winston”

Moving away from her touch “ Wrong, you are just a plaything to me, my mate will be my Luna,” walking towards the door I opened it and said, “Get out!”

“ Winston!” she stomps her feet while pouting, pointing her finger at me “ You wouldn't dare”

Pushing her out of the room “ Watch me” With that I closed the door in her face and went to get a shower. I thought about why I started to mess around with her in the first place. I was In a vulnerable place and I needed to feel something that night, needless to say, she was there and I just went for it. Time after time I kept telling myself that would stop but I never did, even when Grandad told me that she would become a pain in my ass I didn't believe it, until now.

I was getting out of the shower when I heard a knock on the door and I swear if it was her again I would definitely give her a piece of my mind, pulling the door open “ I thought we….” stopping mid-sentence I saw it was one of the twin Wyatt, moving a side I let him in.

“ What's your problem?” was the first thing he said when he sat on the bed.

“ Nothing, did you find where those pictures come from? “ I changed the subject to a better one.

“ Of course I did,” he said smugly without saying anything further.

“ Anytime you are ready to tell me what you find will be good,” I say to myself while I finish getting dressed.

“ Oh right, it comes from her hometown,” he says.

Wait, what? How in the hell did come from her hometown? I was thinking to myself, Wyatt cut through my thoughts and said “ I checked and found that someone in the Moonstone pack had gotten in a fly to go there”

“That's too easy, they wouldn't have let that person get on the fly when they have a private jet” Now would they? I thought.

“ I think you are the one who's naive and underestimates these people,” My wolf says.

“Am I being naive about this whole thing or is there more at play?” I say under my breath.

“ What are mumbling about?” Wyatt asked.

Shaking my head I look at him “ Did you get a picture of the person?”

“ See the problem is it says somebody got on the plane but when I checked the camera I couldn't find no one from the pack,” He said in frustration.

Ahh “Of course it wouldn't be so easy, come on let's go Grandad is waiting for me and you can tell him what you found,” I say while I make my way towards the office.

Something was still bothering me about all of this and I didn't know what it was yet. For now, I have to focus on what's in front of me instead of the nagging feeling of something not right. Once we got to the office I knew it was going to be a long day from the looks on Grandad's face I knew something had happened and it was not good, even Wyatt picked up on it because he usually doesn't notice things like this. “ Grandad did something happen?” he asked.

“ Something sure did happen!” He yelled and that alone lets me know it was bad whatever happened. Taking a deep breath he says “Sorry guys it's just after all these years they finally found her”

By her im guessing his talking about the late Luna and Alpha's daughter “ Are we bringing her back?” I asked cause that seemed to be the only solution right now.

“That 's the plan, they found and tried to take her,” He said.

That got my attention “They didn't ?” I quickly ask because for some reason hearing that she almost got hurt, makes my heart ache, rubbing that side I take a deep breath and ask “ Do you want me to get her?”

“ No, I just need four plane tickets under different names, It's for her, her parents, and her best friend who was there when everything happened”

Looking at Wyatt “ You can on that, right” Nodding he left the room to get to it. Looking back at Granddad I ask “Is there anything else you need from me?”

“I'm sorry that I've put everything on you, I just don't want your Grandma to worry about all that,” He says.

“ I understand, don't worry about it “ I saw that he wasn't convinced so I made a joke “Besides isn't that what I was trained” By the time I finished my sentence he looked angrier than before.

“ Boy! You might be grown but that doesn't mean I can't smack you “ He points his finger at me.

Smelling I say “Oh look at the time I have a thing to do “ while walking out of the office and closing the door behind me, only to come face to face with my other brother Wesley.

“ oh God damn, what the hell man,” I say to him while trying to catch my breath.

“ Sorry wasn't expecting for you to come out,” He said.

“ What are you doing? Here anyway”

“ Came to talk to Grandad about the funds for the clinic,” He says casually. Since we were adopted he had an interest in the clinic, so it wasn't a shocker when he took over it just at the age of sixteen.

“I'll leave you to it, let's have lunch later” It had been a while since the three of us had spent time together, and I missed that brotherly moment.

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