

Tori's POV

“Shit,” Hanzo groans when we hear two car doors, I roll over to my stomach and pull a blanket around me. “Come on, head up and take a bath, I’ll bring you up some clothes and a towel,” Hanzo suggests, getting up and grabs a pair of swim trunks that were hanging off the bottom of the bed.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to see either of them,” Hanzo reassures watching me pull the blanket all the way around me, I quickly follow him into the house. When he approaches the door, I quickly run up the stairs and into the bathroom. I hear voices when Hanzo opens the front door, so I start running my bath water.

Pulling my bra off, I slowly get into the tub of still running water and enjoy the hot water kissing my already sensitive skin. I look down at my thighs and see blood, my heart races as I grab the sponge and quickly wash it away. I feel sore and it did hurt at first, but I didn’t expect blood.

I shut the water off with my foot and close my eyes remembering everywhere Hanzo kiss
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