
"Don't Touch"

Luna's POV:

The driver quickly gets out and opens the door holding out a hand to help Angel and I from the car. I immediately smell a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar scents as we make our way inside. Tatum is chatting with a few males that I don't recognize and Angel gives me a slight nod before making her way to the table that Malcolm is sitting at. I walk casually up to the bar and sit on one of the stools across from Jack.

"Well hello there little lady! Long time no see!" Jack says as a smile spreads across his face.

"Hey Jack! How have things been here at the bar lately?" I ask as I look around.

"Oh you know the usual. Nothing an old man can't handle. How have you been? That boy better not be keeping you too busy at the firm?" Jack asks as he grabs a glass and pou

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