

"He didn't do anything, Dinara. Trust me, Leonus is guilty. Give him a chance. One last chance! You won't regret it," Aria repeated herself again. She came to her room in the evening after dinner.

Dinara blinked as tears fell down her eyes. She glared at Aria.

"I don't want to hear anything, Aria. Please don't talk to me. I don't want to discuss Leonus or my baby with you or anyone else anymore. I lost everything dear to me. So please don't do it!" She yelled at Aria angrily as all the pent-up emotions burst out of her.

"Dinara…" Aria was stunned seeing her reaction. Dinara never talked to anyone like this but today everything became too much for her.

Leigh was coming to Dinara's room with soup for her when she heard Dinara's shouting voice. Leigh ran to her room and was stunned seeing her crying and raging. She ignored Aria and focused on Dinara's well-being.

"Dia? Are you alright? What happened!" She asked, putting the soup bowl on the table. Dinara was shaking all over as her
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goodnovel comment avatar
Lei Esturas
yey! i love it i really wish Aria to be pregnant.i hope its a twin!
goodnovel comment avatar
Maria L Garcia
Great update! Yeah I think so to Nikita was involved in her miscarriage, through Leigh
goodnovel comment avatar
Bea De La Riva
Great chapter twists of events love it !!!

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