
The King's Rebel
The King's Rebel
Author: Samuel Ekaette


The goddess watered the prickly shrubs in her garden while humming to herself. She seemed to be strangely fascinated by them.

She wasn't sure if it was because of their pointed horns or because the shrub would grow them pointed all winter long before sheathing them to allow the spring flowers to bloom on them.

She enjoyed the fact that they might be as perilous and exposed as the circumstances called for.

She heard one of her nymphs clearing her throat behind her while she was busy caring for the flowers.

"What's that?" The goddess questioned while casting a hard glance at the nymph behind her. The nymph said, "The messenger is here again," as she stood up apprehensively.

The goddess cocked an eyebrow in response, turned fully to face the nymph, and inquired, "What does he want this time?"

The nymph replied with her head slightly lowered and her eyes fixed on the ground, "He claims the king of the underworld has delivered an important message for you."

The nymph's statement immediately caught the goddess' attention. What message Hades would have sent for her, she couldn't help but wonder. She only ever encountered him and his wife at occasions. Despite the fact that Demeter made her see Persephone more frequently, she otherwise had no connection to the couple, particularly him.

The goddess turned away from her favorite flowers and entered her lovely home. The nymph ran after her quickly.

The envoy could be seen leaning on one of the goddess' windows and attempting to prod a carnivorous plant with his bare fingertips.

"If I were you, Phyil, I wouldn't do it." She nonchalantly forewarned the messenger, instantly grabbing his attention.

"How wonderful to meet you again," said Fowol. Phyil spoke as he moved away from the plant and went in the direction of the deity.

Why did you come here today? Because she had important things to do and didn't have time to waste by listening to Phyil's chatter, Fowol requested right immediately.

Phyil saw her down to the business tone and sighed, "Okay... okay." Immediately, he went into his bag to find the scroll Hades had handed him.

He held out the scroll composed of bones to Fowol, saying, "This is for you."

With care to avoid touching his hands with her fingers, Fowol carefully took up the strange scroll. She carefully opened the scroll, which rattled in an ominous manner. She didn't particularly like the scroll's design or the material used to manufacture it, as seen by the little scowl that appeared on her face right away.

She nonetheless read it out loud. As she continued reading the scroll at a perfect rate, her eyes gradually enlarged.

"Impossible!" When she had finished reading the scroll, she observed, raising her voice a little.

"What?" Phyil inquired enquiringly. From the time the scroll was delivered to him, he was incredibly curious about the message it contained.

Hades requests that I couple up the Lycan King. Fowol said somberly. She was extremely offended even by the mention of the Lycan King. She had no affection for that being or the realm of bleeding rivers that he oversaw.

What's wrong with that, you ask?" Phyil asked, raising his eyebrows to indicate his piqued curiosity.

What is incorrect about partnering Lucian? Fowol resounded. "Everything! Given everything he has done, he is not deserving of a partner. He is a monster. As she returned the scroll to Phyil, she remarked, rewrapping it.

It's getting crowded in the underworld because Lucian is putting more people to sleep than are being born, so you should take Hades' request into consideration "Phyil explained, but Fowol shrugged. She was unwavering.

She said, crossing her arms across her chest, "I can't do this." "I cannot make such a sacrifice for someone."

"Oh, please! Lawrence had a partner. You may pair Lucian too! After all, they resemble one another "Fowol ignored Phyil's shrug since she knew better.

"Take my words to Hades," Fowol said, appearing with a quill and a scroll formed of parchment and furiously writing on it. "The Lycan King'd not be paired," he added.

When Fowol handed Phyil the new scroll and he read what she had written on it, his frown grew even more severe.

"Yet why? For that savage, I'm sure there must be someone out there "Phyil retried, but Fowol appeared steadfastly unmoved.

Fowol said the messenger, who was also keen about not going without making anything happen, "I don't couple Lycans, Phyil, or Bladu; my sister used to do that.

"But you should think about this," I said. Lucian has been on a murderous spree. If he keeps going, he'll have killed half the monsters' offspring in no time." Phyil used logic.

Fowol shrugged, "I don't see anything wrong with that."

Of course you don't, but it might result in a significant imbalance, and we don't want to enrage the echidna. Phyil argued once more that "she loves her grandchildren."

Fowol thought in her mind this moment. Phyil wasn't altogether mistaken, and she was aware of how Echidna could occasionally act. Fowol wasn't sure if anyone had been born yet with the strength and charm to subdue the Lycan King, but he hoped so.

I respect your opinion, but I don't believe that providing him a partner would have any negative effects on him. He is beyond that, we are told.

"Well, we saw how Lawrence's situation turned up." We would cross our fingers and wish Lucian the same. He'd probably be occupied with a pal long enough to forget about developing his military capabilities." Others are a little concerned about this."

It's not that simple, Fowol told Phyil as she shook her head in dissent. Despite the fact that they are both night children, Lawrence and Lucian are significantly different from one another. Lucian is an entirely different person. He lacks empathy, sympathy, and all other human emotions." He's just blatantly cruel and cold."

Phyil waved his hand casually, "Oh, you don't have to worry about it." Something was brewing in his thoughts, as shown by the smirk pulling at the tips of his lips.

"I'm sure she has enough tricks up her sleeve to help us with this one, Phyil winked. My next trip is at Aphrodite's.

Fowol wasn't persuaded, though. She knew the Lycan King even before he became powerful, so she was certain of her choice. She was aware of his past behavior as well as what he would become in the future: cold, barbaric, evil, cruel, and poignant.


Fowol, just this once, please. Phyil asked earnestly, "We don't want another war."

His remarks had a weight to them that made Inana's resolve tremble a little. The goddess pursed her lips and raked through her memories to come up with the ideal candidate for the Lycan King.

After a while, she started to smile. She had actually located someone who could complete the task for them, as evidenced by the smile that danced across her lips.

I am aware of someone who would be ideal for him. She exclaimed with delight.

For her, this had suddenly become interesting. She was interested in how this might develop. She knew this would go down in her book as one of the most passionate and intense matches she had ever made.

She was already anticipating witnessing the Lycan king pursue a very specific dark she-wolf with an extraordinary golden mane and a ferocious tongue.

The joy of the goddess caught the messenger's attention. It spread easily. With the same enthusiasm, he questioned. Who is that?

The goddess said with much mischief, "You'll find out soon enough."

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