
Chapter 11


"Stop laughing before you lose your fucking voice" I fired at him. This moron had been laughing for the whole two minutes now. I swear I will choke him.

"Just look at these PICTURES" He highlighted the word pictures. The audacity of his men to click pictures. They are not seeing tomorrow sun rise. He was not going to leave this easily. I looked at the pictures anxiously and after looking I sighed in relief. None of the pictures had her face.

"Should I post this online? " He said and I stopped to look at him. Was he challenging me?

"Just think about posting " I said, coming closer to his chair where he was sitting.

"I will kill your daughter," I said looking straight into his eyes. I knew I wouldn't. I just wanted to check if he knew where she was?

There was no change in his facial expressions. He smiled at me and said.

"The youngest Billionaire of Titan Industry with his girl" As soon as he finished speaking. I choked my own Saliva. My girl?

I threw the glass which was on the table. It hit the ground and shattered into pieces. Was I angry because he referred to her as my Girl? No.. I just wanted to prove his theory wrong.

"Did I miss something important here?" Stepheno asked, standing near the door. Right on time stepheno.

"Absolutely not," Andrew said, welcoming stepheno. I looked at Stepheno and he understood the task. We need to get this freak out of my house. Him staying here was not safe for Lyra.

"What brought you here?" Straight to business. Stepheno had learnt well. You should never waste your time on people like him.

"Whoa whoa, I just came to meet you both" Liar

"I'm glad you came then" I said.

"That's not very convincing, Lorenzo," He said. That's it I'm putting a bullet in his mouth. What does this fucker expect a baby shower.

"Don't mind him Andrew," Stepheno covered making me the bad one.

"You are at the outskirts. Isn't tomorrow your company signing deals with Walton" He knew about the deals. Unluckily we were not signing deals with Walton. We were signing the transportation contract.

Our company ship and theirs arrive at the same time and on the same port due to some miscommunication last time Walton paid the penalty we should have paid. So that's what the meeting was about.

Walton Industries is a huge company. Anyone who signs deals with them became the next Billionaire but after the death of their dear daughter. They have stopped making deals with people but still this company is always first.

"You seem too concerned Andrew" Stepheno lashed with sarcasm. We knew what type of man Andrew was. He kidnapped a young girl and was keeping her away from everyone. That's the main reason we need him out of this house because that girl was none other than her.

There was some kind of worry in his face. He tried to mask it but I could sense him.

"There's nothing like that." He started tapping his index finger on the desk. He was anxious.

"I have a job for you" He said making eye contact with me and Stepheno became interested. I could see fear inside him and I knew this the very time to control this man but before that I wanted to know what was in his mind.

"What is it?" Stepheno asked, leaning against the wall. He seemed calm but I knew better he too was curious to know.

"NO! First you give me the word that you will finish the job" He shouted in frustration. Wrong thing to show in front of anyone. His eyes were fixed on me. Even if you are trying to study me Andrew you should better know I was a devil in this game.

"Will listen first" Stepheno sharply injected. I agreed with him. However I could guess what he wanted.

"First give me the surety that it will be done at any cost" He was talking about our life. He wanted the work to be done if it meant losing our life. Bravo to this man for even imagining this himself.

"Start talking Andrew, you know how this works." Stepheno said, his eyes closed like he was least Interested in this matter.

"Start talking or leave" I said with seriousness. I sat on my chair and removed my phone from my pocket and for unknown reasons. Started checking the CCTV footage of the house. I searched for her and she was not seen in the entire house.

I texted DK asking about her whereabouts. He replied saying she was inside my room. She must be tired. It was good she was inside.

I kept my phone and Andrew was still choosing his words. Stepheno came near the table and sat on the side of the table. His manners sometimes make me rethink the decision of bringing him along with me.

"I want Arnold Walton dead" He spoke with determination and hearing that stepheno fell from the table. I heard him right, he wanted the most powerful man alive on earth to be killed.

"Imagine we killed him now what?" I asked, just curious to know.

"I'll have a clearer path that way" He said smiling. That was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. His smile.

"Will take the job" I said without hesitating. I wanted him to trust me. For some reason I knew he would involve some other men for the same job. He was the man who looked for the results. So he will definitely involve people for better possibilities for Walton's death.

"What are we getting in return for our Job?" I asked.

"5 Billion Dollars" He said like we were dogs who were hungry for money. That was a lot of money which is impossible for Andrew, some else was involved with him. I nodded my head.

"He will be returning tomorrow from Japan." He was keeping track of him.

"Thanks for the information,'' I said, showing a bit of gratitude. I was least interested in killing Walton though I haven't met him. I knew how good of a human he was, both him and his wife. Half of the world is benefited by them.

If he died the world would turn into a huge chaos. I am signing my death with this deal.

"After the work is done, my men will give you the money. Don't try to call me" He threatened us. He didn't want to get involved at any cost.

He got up from the chair. He looked quite relieved after transferring his burden to me. We shook hands and Stepheno guided him towards the exit.

I wasn't thinking about anything. I had no intention to kill him. Why did I agree with him then? I could feel some sort of connection with that stranger.

I saw Andrew's car leaving my mansion. Shortly after Stepheno arrived, a bottle of beer in his hand. I needed that. He passed me the bottle and opened it with one go.

I took the first sip of the liquid and the bitterness running down my throat felt Good. I removed the vest of the suit and untied my tie and unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt.

I folded my sleeves.

"Are you really doing it?" Stepheno questioned. I remained silent. The answer was I didn't know but what I could assume was if we didn't kill him. Then the man who is sending money to Andrew will definitely kill me.

These people only wanted the result and nothing else mattered to them.

I pressed the button and I think Stepheno got his answer. My team arrived, they stood in a straight line. Seeing me they must have assumed we got a deal.

"Your Boss has a surprise for you" Stepheno said with a hard face.

"We got a deal boys. It's not an ordinary deal" I said seriously.

I got from the chair and stood in front of them. I told them my plan.

I told my hackers to exactly tell me on which car Walton was going to be escorted. I thought to blast the car before Walton would enter inside and then shot his P.A on his chest. This would alert Walton security and he will be escorted by his security safely.

We were just going to a stage show. It would look like a muder attempt and the forces would get out in search of the culprits and in the middle of all these things we would buy time and find the men behind all 5 billion Dollars.

"Does anyone have a question?" I asked folding my hands across my chest.

"No Boss" They shouted in unison.

"Be prepared" I gave my last words and exited the room but before I left Stepheno spoke.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Sleep early" Stepheno added.

I walked out in the garden. The swing reminded me of her and I had the urge to see her.

I went inside. I took the lift to the top floor. My door dinged open and I saw Stepheno standing outside my room. He too wanted to see her. He went inside the room and shortly ran out along with him a slipper flew out.

I just couldn't stop laughing. I walked up to him and seeing me he busted laughing. We knew it was no use now so we took the lift and came down.

"You know it's our House" Stepheno reminded

"Who else knows this better than me?" I said, still laughing.

"It's unfair we are going to sleep in a guest house" He said dusting the sheets, he clearly has an option to sleep in his room.

" You still have your room"

"After that incident. I don't think my room will accept me" I laughed out loud again.

"What did you do?" I asked

"I didn't knock" He answered

"Lucky, I would have shot you" I said. I knew it was impossible to share a room with him so I walked to my living room and fell flat on the couch. Indeed my house.

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