
chapter nine

Nathaniel Pov

I had been avoiding my omega like a plague since the clinic incident. I hated showing weakness, and it was even worse when it was that damn omega. But recently, my wolf had been getting frustrated from not seeing his mate, and I couldn't concentrate on anything.

My secretary's voice broke through my thoughts. "Mr. Hawthorne," she said, and I realized I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't even heard her call my name. "You have a meeting tonight," she reminded me. I nodded, but I knew I couldn't attend. My teeth were growing longer, and my claws were elongating. I told my secretary to cancel the meeting and rushed to my car, needing to get home.

It took me 30 minutes to arrive at the pack house, and I immediately ran to my room, transforming into a huge black wolf with white stripes as I went. I used my claws to climb onto the bed and relaxed, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

Just as I was starting to calm down, I heard a knock at the door. I wondered who it was and inhaled deeply, recognizing Lena's scent. Most people thought she was just a maid, but Lena was one of my spies and a skilled warrior.

“Open the door” I mindlinked her since I was in my wolf form, I couldn't talk. “Yes alpha” she mindlinked back to me before pushing open the door.

My piercing blue eyes stared at her, a wolf hated people entering his territory except his mate, so I felt challenged.

“Alpha, I brought some files for you to look at, '' Lena said to me as she dropped a bunch of documents on the table. I sighed deeply but in my wolf form it came out as a whine, damn I have been neglecting a lot of work.

“I will look at them later” I mindlinked back to her, she nodded in understanding, she turned to leave but she hesitated..

"Alpha, I know it's not my place to ask, but you only turn wolf forcefully when you're stressed," Lena said, her eyes filled with concern. "If it's about your mate bond, I think you should just have sex with her and get it over with. That Omega is too weak to—"

But my wolf pounced on her before she could finish, our eyes blazing with anger. "Know your place!" I growled through the mindlink, feeling her shiver in fear. "Don't ever talk about my mate like that," I threatened, my wolf's fur standing on end.

Lena cowered, her eyes fixed on me in terror. My wolf gestured to the door, signaling for her to leave. She scrambled to her feet and hastily exited my room, leaving me seething with anger. I couldn't believe my wolf had reacted so strongly over a mere omega.

But as I gazed out the window and saw my omega approaching the house, my tension melted away. I transformed back into my human form, a small smile creeping onto my face. I headed to the bathroom, relaxing into the warm water and letting my worries drift away. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

“A.lp..ha” Katherine moaned out loud as I pounded into her, I rubbed her all over as goosebumps took over her. “ omega” I praised as I placed kisses all over her skin.

“Harder” Katherine moaned out as she dragged me deeper into her, with each thrust tears ran down her eyes as pleasure filled her mind.

I jumped awake as I felt sticky semen on my thigh, Jeez I can't believe I am having a wet dream like a teenager. I quickly took my bath and got dressed, I considered going through the files but my wolf just wanted to see his mate, I could feel it's paranoia.

As I took hesitant steps to her door, I couldn't stop thinking about Lena’s words. Maybe if I had sex with her then all these fantasies and daydreaming caused by the mate bond would stop. But I don't want anything to do with that damn Omega..

Her scent filled my nostrils immediately putting me in a good mood and making me forget about my thoughts. I knocked on her door continuously as anxiety was getting the best of me.

I saw her open with a look of shock on her face, I smiled when I felt the hint of happiness through our bond. Her beautiful eyes stared at me drawing me in..

“Let's have sex” I blurted before I could catch my face, I saw her face scorch up with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

After several minutes of silence and us staring head-on at each other..

“What the fuck” Katherine said standing up to glare at me, “you are really a horn dog” Katherine spat her face scorching in disgust. I growled glaring at her, I wanted to pounce on her and show her who was alpha but I took deep breaths to calm myself.

“That's the easiest way to form the fucking bond!” I spat in frustrating, “don't you want to get this over and do with?” I asked her. She shook her head, “yes I want to but there are many ways without sex,” she reasoned.

I nodded in understanding, I felt relaxed in her bedroom because of her scent all over the place. I sat on the couch glaring daggers at her, Katherine flinched before she grumbled some incoherent words.

“How about you treating me decently?” she said, “I mean let's just be friends, that's the easiest way to form that bond” she reasoned.

I didn't respond for some minutes, I was deep in thoughts, being friends with her meant seeing her a lot more than necessary. It meant calling and texting and treating her like the rest of my pack mates, but it was indeed the easiest to form a bond.

I turned to her, a sense of resignation washing over me. "Let's do it...the friendship," I said, deciding to sacrifice my pride to end this frustrating bond. Katherine smiled, her eyes gleaming with triumph, as she extended her hand for a handshake. "Friends?" she asked, her voice dripping with sweetness.

I took her hand, shaking it firmly. "Friends," I echoed, trying to sound convincing. But as I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but wonder: is this really worth it? Am I just prolonging my own suffering? Only time would tell.

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