
chapter eight

Katherine POV

It's been days since I saw the alpha, I can confidently say that he's been avoiding me like a plague in the clinic incident. I knew that we weren't friends or anything but before at least I usually see him. I sighed deeply drawing Emilia’s attention to me, Emilia came to the pack house for training so she decided to come see me.

“What's the problem?” Emilia asked in concern but I only gave her a fake smile, I couldn't tell her that I was thinking about her fiance, who is still my mate.

“It's nothing” I shrugged off, Emilia looked skeptical but nodded in understanding.

Emilia and I decided to stroll into the pack dining Hall, there was always free food given to all pack members. We went into the hall and immediately there was silence, instantly I knew they were gossiping about me because of their harsh glares.

“I am not hungry, I will wait here for you” I told Emilia as I pulled a chair and sat close to the entrance door. Emilia nodded in understanding, she always knew I hated the crowds more than anything, so she didn't bother convincing me again.

Emilia scooped some Mac and cheese into her plate and added a lot of meatballs before sitting down with some other pack mates. They all looked rather happy that I wasn't there..

“Jeez I don't know how the moon goddess could curse our alpha with such a pathetic mate” a pack mate whispered to her friend before both of them burst out in a fit of mocking laughter. I bit my lips in nervousness, I started feeling so self-conscious, my wolf hearing made it possible for me to hear them.

“That's the weakest omega I have ever seen”

“She is so small and weak”

“She is not fit to be our Luna” the pack mates spat in Malice.

I felt like it was too much for me, so I ran upstairs into my temporary room, I could hear laughter from downstairs at my discomfort. I felt tears gathering in my eyes but I wiped it away. I refuse to cry because of people's opinion about me.

Suddenly I got a text notification, I searched for my phone and saw a text message from Emilia, it read, “are you okay?” I sighed as I dropped the phone on the table. I didn't have an answer for that, it was still morning but I decided to sleep a little since today was Sunday, it meant no school for me. I tossed and turned on the bed as my mind was filled with the thought of my mate, I craved his scent.

After hours of tirelessly turning around I discovered that I wouldn't get any sleep, so I decided to use the opportunity to finish up my assignment. I skipped lunch as I focused my attention on my assignment. It was about colonialism, I didn't know why the fuck I was learning human history. If I had it my way I wouldn't do this assignment, but I couldn't afford to fail. This was my last year of high school.

Hours passed and I was finally done, I grinned happily as I failed on my bed, when I turned to the window I noticed it was night already. Shit, I didn't want to skip dinner too, immediately my stomach growled in hunger, I checked my phone to see it was 11:30pm.

I hurried downstairs to find everything deserted, it was late so obviously everyone had gone to sleep. I sighed, I was hungry and it was so fucking late to cook, I went to the kitchen but I saw no food. Nobody remembered me, it was evident the purposely scrapped all the food.

Well, it seems like I would sleep hungry tonight, I thought as I turned back to see the Alpha's piercing gold eyes staring back at me intensely. I jumped in shock, the alpha smirked immediately he noticed I was startled. It increases every Alpha's ego when they instill fear in you.

“Ehm…Hi” I muttered nervously, heck what was I supposed to say? Nathaniel didn't even acknowledge my presence as he rolled his eyes and passed me. My wolf whined in disappointment, I didn't know why I was fuck I was disappointed, it's not like we were mate mate or anything.

“Sit” Nathaniel commanded in a husky voice, I wanted to disobey but his stern glare made me shut up instantly. I noticed him moving about the kitchen, it seemed like he wanted to cook.

His muscles flexed as he cracked open the eggs. I couldn't really see clearly what he was cooking, so I picked up my phone and started watching videos.

Minutes later I heard a sound on the table, I glanced up to see the Alpha holding a bowl of noodles and eggs. He dropped it on the table, damn it looks so delicious, and smelled really good.

“Eat Omega” he ordered me, I rolled my eyes at his words, I fucking had a name, “I am not hungry” I lied but my stomach rumbling betrayed me. My face flushed in embarrassment, Nathaniel smirked at me.

“Omega, don't lie” Nathaniel said as he turned around leaving the kitchen while holding his own bowl of noodles, “my name is Katherine!” I screamed in annoyance. He grumbled inaudible words as he disappeared into his room slamming the door.

I smiled happily at the thought of my mate cooking for me, but I knew that he didn't cook for me but himself and just decided to serve a little for me. But I was content with his little gesture, after I finished eating I washed the dishes.

After I was done, I left upstairs to my room, collapsed on the bed and let the darkness engulf me.

* * *

A ringing noise made me jump up from my sleep, shit it was just my alarm, I glared at it like it was the cause of the world war.

I hurriedly took my bath, got dressed and ran downstairs. I didn't bother going to the dinning room to eat, I got the message yesterday. I wasn't welcomed to join their bountiful breakfast.

I passed all of them without muttering a word. I could feel their malicious glares on my back, but I ignored them and ran outside. Before finding my mate, my parents usually drop me off at school but recently I usually run in my wolf form and when I get to the human civilization, I take the school bus.

“Bi*ch” I heard Stanley cuss at me from his car as he threw a rubber bottle on me, I tried to dodge but I failed terribly. Stanley and his friends burst out in laughter and they drove off.

I rolled my eyes, as I rubbed my forehead, a black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of me drawing me out of my thoughts.

“Get in” Kilo screamed as he opened the door, I smiled as I entered the car, I told him thank you as he drove off. School was like an hour drive away from our pack, we drove in a comfortable silence as Kilo played music from his radio.

Soon Kilo dropped in front of the school, people stared at me intensely as I came out of his Mercedes. “Thanks for the ride” I muttered as I waved to him, Kilo smiled and wished me a good day.

Classes went by quickly, I spent most of my time with Sara, my human friend, we cracked jokes about random things. Soon school was over, me and Sara parted ways. I took a bus as usual and I stopped at the forest, making other passengers stare at me confused.

As usual I used my wolf form to go back to the pack house, I hurried to my room and transformed back to my human form. Jeez I felt so fucking tired and I decided to sleep a little.

I woke by the knocking on my door, I grumbled in frustration as the knock kept getting louder, this fucking person had anger issues. I opened the door to see the Alpha, my eyes widened in confusion and shock, my wolf was happy to see her mate. But what was he doing here?

“Good evening alpha” I said feigning annoyance, but inside I was so happy to see him. He just continued staring at me like I didn't say anything…

“What can I do..” I asked but I was cut off by the Alpha's next words.

“Let's have sex” Nathaniel said full of confidence while my jaw dropped at his words.

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