
chapter seven

“You worthless piece of shit” my mom screamed in anger as she picked up a bottle and smashed it on my dad's head. They were having their usual fights, I held my baby sister close to me as i hid under the table scared to face their wrath.

“You're the worst mate ever to exist” my dad snarled at my mom as he retaliated and pushed her to the ground. He staggered his drunken self towards me and Naomi and dragged me harshly from under the table.

“” I pleaded as he hit me again and again and again, Naomi was on the floor crying. My whole body shivered in fear as my mother ran to the kitchen to bring out a knife. She smirked as she held Naomi's tiny neck..

“I will show you how much I hate you Jones” she spat at my dad. My eyes widened at the implications of her words as Naomi cried out for me.

“Hit me, hit me please leave her alone” I bargained as blood oozed out from my head, “leave her..leave her alone!” I screamed desperately as my body shook frivolously.

I jumped up from my nightmare, without even looking I pulled the nearest person into a bone crushing hug. The person's scent had a calming effect on me, I felt soft gentle hands rub my back..

“I got you, it's okay” she said in a soft tone, instantly I recognised that voice, it was my Omega mate, Katherine. I pushed her away harshly as I bared my teeth at her, Katherine stood up and stared at me with the look I hated to see the most; pity.

How dare she pity me? I wasn't the weak and stupid one here she was, I am the alpha of one of the strongest pack on this fucking planet. I growled in anger, before glaring at her..

“Why the fuck are you here!!” I screamed harshly before a sharp pain spread across my head. Shit I felt a heavy migraine, “are you okay?” Katherine asked, obviously ignoring my first question. I rolled my eyes at her, before I could reply my cousin, Kilo entered the room with a makeshift bag in his hand.

“Well I guess this is useless since you are awake now” Kilo told me with a nervous smile, I knew he purposely brought this omega here, so I glared at him.

“Why is she here?” I mindlinked to him, since we had a family bond I could always use my family bond without other pack mates listening.

He just shrugged me off pretending not to hear my question before he turned to the Omega, “your mate felt through the mate bond that you were sick, so she came to see you” Kilo said with a smile.

I grumbled at the word, “my mate”, I knew the moon goddess hated me but to give me a weak mate was a curse. That Omega was definitely anything but not my mate. I could feel the Omega's nervousness through the bond, she swallowed nervously before averting her eyes from my intense glare.

“Get out” I said to both of them watching their eyes widened in shock, “Alpha I think you..” Kilo tried to reason before my golden eyes shined in warning.

“Get. Out!” I screamed in my alpha tone watching both of them run out of the hospital room. I stared at the ceiling in silence, even though I just woke up from sleep I still felt tired. My nightmares always drown all my energy, I felt scared to fall asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and I grumbled immediately. I caught the scent of my uncle, Tristian, I muttered a come in. My uncle smiled at me before he sat close to my bed, “how are you feeling?” He asked in concern, I rolled my eyes before answering a short fine.

“I saw your mate on my way here, she smelled like you, so I guessed she came here” Tristian said. I glared at him, “she is not my mate” I growled slowly at him but he just shrugged me off.

We stayed there for minutes, all of us lost in our own thoughts, Tristian coughed to bring back my attention to him, “I know you don't want that Omega, but your wolf does” he started to say, I furrowed my brows, my anger rising.

“So you're saying I should mate with that weak omega” I screamed angrily at my uncle, he shook his head frivolously, “no, you are getting me wrong, you need to let your wolf to be around his mate, it makes him stronger.” Tristan said in clarification, I sighed deeply, checked my uncle wasn't lying, I felt better with that Omega's scent still lingering around this room and that thought filled me with anger.

“Nathaniel, the sooner you learn to coexist with her, the sooner you form the bond and you can finally reject her then.” My uncle stated before he stood up, he told me to relax and get some sleep, but I wished I could sleep peacefully without any nightmares. But wishes weren't horses.

“Stop avoiding her, it's childish” my uncle said before exiting my room. I sighed as I sank deeper into my bed, I knew he wasn't lying. Though the thought filled me with so much dread, I needed to get closer to that damn Omega.

* * *

Emilia POV

I sat on the dining table listening to my parents rant about my failed marriage. My mind flew back to the day that my dreams of being Luna were crushed by Katherine.

“Did you even hear anything we just said?” my mom asked me with a disapproving glare, I just rolled my eyes at her. My mom stood up in anger and slapped me harshly, my eyes widened in shock and my cheek winced in pain.

“Calm down honey” my dad rushed to her side as he held her, “no let me teach this insolent child a lesson. How dare she roll her eyes at me?” My mom snarled dangerously in anger, I could feel her rage from our bond.

“I am sorry mom” I apologized immediately bowing my head in submission, my mom instantly calmed down. She warned me never to disrespect her again, she asked me if Kate had returned home, but I lied that she hadn't.

“Well you have beta training tomorrow with your granddad, don't fuck up like you fucked up your wedding” my mom taunted before sending me off to my room to sleep. As I got to my room, I immediately ran to the sink to throw up all the food I ate, I couldn't shake off my mom's words.

She was impossible, is she really blaming me that Katherine and Nathaniel are mates, how is that my fault? I sure wasn't the moon goddess. I just hope that Katherine would keep to her end of the bargain, because Nathaniel was mine. I have loved him since when we were young, I can't let her take away my chance of being Luna. I was more fitted for that role, and nothing is going to make me lose it.

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