
Chapter six

“Nana, plewase I am sared” little Naomi called on to her big brother Nathaniel, she was two so her words were barely audible. Nathaniel ran and pick her up from the cold cemented floor. Nathaniel's mother had locked them in the dungeon because of Naomi's constant tears.

“It's okay, I will protect you” Nathaniel promised her as he cuddled her to his chest. He promised himself that no harm shall come to her, Naomi was his baby sister.

Nathaniel jumped up from his sleep, he was hyperventilating as he scattered the cupboard for his anxiety drugs. His hands were shaking as hot tears ran down his eyes, he failed her, he failed Naomi. That was his last thought before he collapsed on the floor.

Kilo was going to his cousin's room, after countless knocking Nathaniel wasn't responding, Kilo was scared to go in because the last time he entered Nathaniel’s room without his permission, the alpha almost killed him.

But kilo would take the chance, as he pushed the door slowly he saw the alpha on the ground. Kilo screamed in panic as he ran towards Nathaniel..

“Nate, Nate” kilo screamed as he shook Nathaniel continuously, Nathaniel just lay there unresponsive. Kilo decided to mindlink his dad, because Nathaniel was to heavy to carry alone..

“Dad, Nathaniel has fainted” kilo mindlinked in panic.

“I will be there in a Jeffy” Tristian, his father replied quickly. Kilo sat down on the floor praying that Nathaniel should be alright.

A bang on the door alerted Kilo of his father's arrival, there was no question asked as they hurriedly carried the alpha to the pack hospital. They couldn't go to a normal hospital because they didn't know how to treat an alpha.

When they arrived at the hospital the took the alpha to a private room, they didn't want to cause any panic amongst the pack members if the saw the alpha on a sick bed.

* * * * *

Katherine POV

I sat in class, blankly staring at the board, unable to comprehend anything our History teacher, Mrs. Wither, was saying. I felt a surge of anxiety and fear, but I didn't understand what it was about, so I ignored it. After what felt like hours of tedious classes, the lunch bell finally rang, and I rushed to the restroom to vomit. The combined smell of perfume and deodorants was too overwhelming for my sensitive werewolf sense of smell.

As a high school student and a werewolf, I had to navigate the challenges of school while keeping my true identity hidden from humans. Many of my pack mates attended this school, which was conveniently located near our territory. I left the restroom and headed down the hallway, only to have someone intentionally bump into my shoulder. I winced in pain.

"Watch it!" Stanley, the Delta's son, snarled, shoving me against the wall. His friends, also my pack mates, laughed and cheered him on. I rolled my eyes, pushed him away, and darted to the dining hall. Scanning the room, I spotted Sara waving me over. I smiled and headed to her table.

"Hey, Sara," I greeted, taking a seat. We weren't exactly friends, just acquaintances who shared lunch occasionally. Sara was human, a loner like me.

"What's your next class?" Sara asked, breaking into my thoughts. I smiled warmly, but my wolf grew restless, causing me to growl involuntarily. Sara's eyebrows furrowed, trying to determine if the growl came from me.

"I gotta go," I managed to say, my teeth lengthening. I dashed out of the dining hall, relieved not to see Stanley. I ran out of the school and into the woods, transforming into my wolf form - a pure white wolf with blue eyes and golden straps.

My pack mates gave me disapproving looks as I passed them, but I didn't care. I reached the pack house, my breathing labored, and hurried to my temporary room. I had cleaned and furnished it, making it feel like home. But the anxiety still lingered, a nagging voice in my mind warning me that something was off.

I pushed the door open with my paw and transformed back into my human form, searching for clothes to wear. My wolf was still restless, and I needed to understand why. I saw Lena, looking stressed, enter the Alpha's room and then head to the pack clinic with a makeshift bag. Something compelled me to follow her. I trailed behind, trying to be discreet, but her wolf pounced on me, tackling me to the ground.

"Why are you following me, Omega!" Lena's wolf growled, making me shiver. But I quickly shrugged her off when Kilo, Nathaniel's brother, emerged from the clinic.

"Why the fuck are you attacking the Luna!" Kilo exclaimed, shock evident on his face. I blushed at the title, and Lena rolled her eyes. "Some Luna," she muttered, handing Kilo the bag before giving me a stern look and leaving.

I stared at Kilo, unsure of myself, until he said, "It's the mate bond; you're sensing your mate is in danger." My eyes widened as I instinctively dashed into the clinic, following my mate's scent. I burst into the private room to find my mate pale and sickly, his lips quivering with fear. I rushed to his side, feeling his emotions intensify as our bond connected.

“No..No..” Nathaniel whimpered as his breathing became heavier, sweats formed on his forehead. I held his shaking hands, it seemed like he was having a nightmare, I shook him trying to wake him but it wasn't working. “leave..leave her alone..” Nathaniel cried out as his body shook in fear..

I held Nathaniel's sweaty hands with my cold ones, rubbing my thumb over the back of his palm to calm him. "Wake up, Nathaniel," I whispered, trying to rouse him from his nightmare. "It's just a nightmare," I soothed, my hands rubbing against his.

Nathaniel's eyes snapped open, and he pulled me into a tight, bone-crushing hug. My eyes widened in surprise, and a flicker of fear danced in my chest. His embrace was suffocating, his grip like a vice. My wolf growled, sensing danger. Nathaniel's eyes blazed with a mix of relief and something darker, something that made my heart race with unease..

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