
It's the new girl

"YOU KISSED LEONARD?" Anne yelled out loud while snapping her neck at evelyn with bulging eyes, quickly Evelyn placed her hands against Annabelle's lips to halt her scream, taking a stroll outside they were surrounded by a few students who like them came out to enjoy the early morning walk before preparing for classes.

"Shush!" Evelyn whispered.

"Sorry, it's just....unbelievable, don't blame your self my dearest friend, no girl would be able to resist his charms, I'm kind of jealous you got to taste those sweet looking cherry lips of his...Still isn't he a playboy?" she said with a sigh

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me," evelyn argued knitting her brows, perhaps telling anne was a bad idea, the brown haired girl made it seem she made all the moves, throwing herself shamelessly at prince charming

"Doesn't matter you kissed him back. I thought you weren't interested in him?, what did you call him again?.." she said with a thoughtful expression placing her fingertips against her chin, "O
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