
The pope (1)

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"I'm okay now, umm I should get going," she said in a hurry as she quickly got out of the bed with Leon's smile widening even further, she could feel her knees wobble from weakness and her resolve from not giving in to his advances crumbling apart, she knew she needed to escape his hellish seductive clutches before it was too late.

with Leon's looks it wasn't hard to guess he was a certified player who used, played and toyed with women's emotions to his delight, she couldn't and wouldn't let herself become another one of his many conquests, judging from his flirtatious behavior lately it she could tell he wanted nothing but to sway her into sleeping with him.

Leonard on the other hand with a grin on his face sat up with both feet on the ground below, his gaze fixated on evelyn who staggered back towards the entrance.

"Why do you keep resisting evelyn?." he asked clicking his tongue in disappointment, it seemed getting her to like him wouldn't be as eas
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