

As I walked through the dimly lit corridor, I felt a whirlwind of emotions engulfing me, each one battling for dominance. The ancient book I had used to perform the summoning ritual, with its weathered pages and enigmatic texts, held the key to a figure of immense power and mystery. It seemed like ages ago, and yet the memory of that moment when the air was thick with anticipation and uncertainty remained vivid in my mind.

Facing Lucian, the Cursed Lycan King, and revealing Fenrir's atrocities tugged at the very strings of my heart. In that pivotal moment, his eyes held an intensity that cut through the darkness, momentarily revealing the man beneath the legends. "I won't stand by and let them harm innocent people," he declared with a resolute voice, and those words echoed through my thoughts like a haunting melody, intertwining with my doubts and uncertainties.

But the questions persisted, gnawing at my soul, like a relentless storm that refused to subside. Could it be possible that
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