
Bad News For Rasmus


A bone-shaking cough reverberated from one end of the infirmary to the other. It was a sound that Alpha Rasmus and his wife were rapidly getting used to. The cough most times left their son weaker than ever and had bits of spittle and blood spraying the sir.

His situation had worsened as the days went past and by now, lesser people would have lost all hope of his recovery. But his parents had always been stubborn and that helped them now.

Their only hope, Elora, was far out of their reach and the Elves who promised to help them had sent a message stating that their territory wasn't safe enough for Rasmus to visit. The Blackfoot’s were sniffing around them, ready to attack when the time was fit. The elves didn't trust the Blackfoot’s.

"My boy..." The Alpha's wife whimpered as she cleaned the spittle off his lips. "Have the elves said anything new?" She was constantly asking her husband for updates.

"No. If they have, I would have told you." The Alpha was irritated by her cons
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