
Jealous Much?


The party continued late into the night and as the drinks kept pouring, the conversation got looser and laughter flowed freely even at things that weren’t funny.

"Wine?" Noel offered.

I nodded, holding out my cup.

He poured me a drink and waited with an expectant smile till I took a sip.

"What do you think?"


"Exactly. It's made from the finest grapes in all of Bale." He wiped his mouth, "Trust me, this is the least delicious. It'll be nice to have you try all of them but we don't want to get you drunk, now do we?"

I took another glass and giggled.

"Definitely not."

"Elora, have you been properly introduced to my sister?" Teriel asked, interrupting us.

He had been drinking and it was obvious in the way he swayed lightly on his feet. The contents of his glass swished, looking dangerously close to spilling.

"Yes, Teriel. We’ve met." His sister interjected, rolling her eyes. "I'm Riley... I realized I didn't tell you my name."

"A pleasure to meet you, Riley," I sai
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