
Chapter 47


I held my breath as the other line went silent and then a choking sob escaped the phone.

“V-Vivian? Is that you?” My mom’s voice trembled. My heart clenched painfully.

“Yeah, Mom, it’s me,” I whispered into the phone, having a hard time not to cry out of happiness. Her voice alone sent a wave of homesickness that had me wanting to be wrapped in her arms. It’s not like I didn’t miss her, but it hit me hard so much as soon as I heard her voice.

“Oh my god, my baby girl! I’m sure you probably don’t have too much time, so I’ll let you speak. Where are you? Who took you?” My brows furrowed at her words, but I quickly understood. She must be thinking how hard it was for me to somehow manage to call her despite being “kidnapped.“ I tried not to dwell on that and chose to enjoy her voice.

“No, Mom. It’s fine. I can talk to you all I want.” I looked up at Zaliver, forgetting he was there but wanting to let him know that I would fight him if he dared to take the phone from me. Thankfully
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