
Chapter 52

I reached for my phone that I left earlier in the morning and began playing random games to take my mind off of things. Even then, I still couldn’t. Pushing my parents’ arrival to the farthest part of my mind, I began to think over some things. At first, I had thought what bothered me was the fact that I felt totally useless—just shopping and hanging around with Hannah—when I could and probably should be doing more. Soon, I came up with a plan to get Zaliver to give me something helpful to do. I then began to wonder what sort of job Zaliver had. I mean being the Lupus Deus was certainly different from being an alpha, especially when you had to run alphas who ran packs. How did that man manage to spend time with me?

I felt him coming before I heard him. The thread that connected us became shorter and shorter until it was gone and the normal bond feeling came back. His lighting speed made light sounds on the ground with each step. When I moved to stand up, he was already behind me insid
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