
Meeting HIM


“What can I do, right?” I pulled away from Emily, the bitterness of her betrayal lingering in the air. “You can keep your code to yourself. You both deserve each other, anyway.” I stole a quick glance at Michael. His expression had grown cold as he gazed at Emily.

“You're just jealous!” Emily's voice cracked with frustration as she reached for Michael, only to have him pull away.

“Enjoy your secret-filled marriage,” I retorted with a taunting smile before turning to leave.

As I wandered the streets, my mind raced with thoughts of places to spend the night. Yet, I had none. Stranded in the cold city, hunger gnawed at my insides, its relentless rumbling a painful reminder of my predicament. With a heavy sigh, I trudged forward, my steps echoing in the empty streets.

The sound of tires rolling behind me snapped my attention, my heart quickening its pace as I hastened my steps, a sense of unease gripping my stomach.

The car trailed behind me, its presence looming like a shadow before coming to a halt just ahead. With a lump forming in my throat, I watched as the driver, an elderly man who seemed to be in his mid-sixties, emerged and approached me.

I spun around, prepared to flee, just before my eyes caught the sinister smile playing on his lips, sending a shiver down my spine. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I bolted in the opposite direction, but his speed was nothing to reckon with, and in seconds, he tackled me to the ground.

“Caught you, little human,” the elderly man sneered, his grin sending shivers down my spine. “I'm sure he'll be pleased with you.” His breath reeked of tobacco, assaulting my senses as he loomed over me.

Before I could protest or attempt to rise, the man pressed a white handkerchief saturated with the sickly scent of chloroform against my nose. Instant dizziness washed over me, dragging me into unconsciousness before I could utter a word.


I stirred on the bed, slowly emerging from the depths of unconsciousness, a man's voice invaded my ears, jolting me into semi-consciousness. My head throbbed, each word slicing through the fog of my mind. “She's too small. What were you thinking?” The voices ceased, leaving an eerie silence in their wake. With a grimace, I forced my eyes open, blinking against the harsh light.

My breath hitched in my throat as I took in the sight before me. Standing a few paces away, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the curtains, was a man whose presence was nothing short of captivating. His features were chiseled, his eyes a startling bright red I had never seen before. Strands of deep black hair framed his face in disarray, giving him the morning “I just got out of bed” look.

The faint scent of cologne mixed with something primal and earthy lingered in the surrounding air.

His gaze was intense as it bore into mine, holding me in its grasp. My pulse quickened, and I could feel a tingling sensation creeping up my spine as I struggled to tear my gaze away.

His height was intimidating, towering over me with a presence that sent shivers down my spine. His arms were wide and strong, the muscles straining underneath his shirt. I gulped, feeling small compared to his imposing figure.

As my eyes trailed past him, they landed on the man who stood beside him. It was the same man from the night before—the one who had kidnapped me. A scowl formed on my face as I sat up from the bed. Preparing myself for whatever that could happen.

“What's your name?” the handsome man asked, his lips pressed into a tight line as he surveyed me with a mixture of curiosity and something darker. I cleared my throat, feeling a surge of spite rising within me.

“I don't owe you anything, and I'm not telling you my name,” I retorted, meeting his gaze with defiance. His brow furrowed, taken aback by my reply.

“Feisty? I like it,” he remarked, the tip of his tongue darting out to moisten his lips, a gesture that sent a shiver down my spine.

“Take her to the cage. I'm curious to see how much fight she'll put up when I'm ramming my cock inside her,” he said with a grin, and fear gripped my heart as I scrambled on the bed to give distance between us.

“What was he planning to do to me? Why was I here?” The gravity of my situation settled over me like a suffocating blanket.

“Wait, wait, I'm Talia,” I blurted out in desperation, attempting to negotiate with the man. Who were these people? Why had they kidnapped me? And why were they talking about putting me in a cage? It made no sense.

“Talia,” the man said, testing the name with a bored drawl. “It's a boring name,” he deadpanned, his words stirring anger within me. My mother had given me that name, and who was he to judge?

“What's your name?” I demanded, meeting his gaze with confidence I didn't know I had.

“Lycan king Damien,” the elderly man behind him who had kidnapped me replied, his face contorting into a strange smile.

“Lycan king, as in the folklore I read as a kid? You've got to be kidding me,” I chuckled nervously, but the lack of amusement from either my captor or the handsome man dampened my humor. “You're joking, right?”

“Take her to the cage. She'll learn,” the handsome man dismissed as he made his way out of the room before I could protest or say anything else.

“Let me go!” I shrieked at the elderly man as he twisted my arm behind me, dragging me out of the room. My struggles only prompted him to tighten his grip, eliciting yelps of pain. Perhaps if I screamed loud enough, the neighbors would hear and call the police.

The room we entered was expansive. Despite my anger towards the man restraining me, I couldn't help but notice the beauty surrounding us.

When he turned me towards a large cage, I realized they hadn't been joking. I was claustrophobic, and the thought of being confined in that cage made my heart race with panic.

“Please, let me go,” I pleaded. The defiance in my voice was replaced by desperation as I tried to break free. “I'll do anything you want. Just please, let me go.”

“Would you suck my cock?” The man grinned, and I froze. The urge to wrap my hands around his throat and choke him was strong, but I knew I was no match for such an unusually strong man, and so I did the next thing that came to mind.

I jammed my fingers into the man's eyes, pushing him away with all the strength I could muster. As he grunted in pain, I seized the opportunity to open the window.

“Thank God,” I muttered under my breath, noticing that the distance to the ground wasn't too far. With determination, I leaped out, my sole focus on escape.

The rush to escape may have deceived me when I gauged the height of the window from the ground cause as I landed, the silent crack of my ankle dislocating echoed in my ears, followed by a piercing scream of pain that tore from my lips.

Amidst the agony, I knew screaming wouldn't help, so I clenched my jaw and forced myself to move, limping towards the dense forest ahead. Uncertain of my distance from town, all I could see was an endless stretch of trees.

A swirl of wind caught my attention, and I glanced back to see the handsome man from earlier sprinting towards me. Frozen in place, I watched in disbelief as his agility defied logic, his feet barely touching the ground.

I know what you're thinking! Stupid me, why aren't you running? But the sheer speed of his approach left me paralyzed, my mind racing to comprehend what was happening.

I braced myself for the impact, expecting to be rendered unconscious, but the fall was different from anticipated. Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself atop the handsome man.

“My name is Damien, not the handsome man,” he grinned, his grip tightening on my waist, sending a shiver down my spine.

My brain was struggling to process a thousand pieces of information at once. How was he that fast? How did he know I refer to him as the handsome man in my head? Why did my legs hurt so much? And why was I getting aroused?

There was something about his touch that ignited a stirring within me. As his hands brushed the inside of my thighs, a low moan escaped my lips.

It was as if my body had a mind of its own, reacting to him, as though it were tuned to respond to his touch.

“You like it, don't you?” He whispered in my ears, and I bit my lips, trying to hold in the moan that was threatening to escape my throat again.

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