

“Alright, this is the time where you tell me the conjecture you’ve come to,” Lucas said calmly.

“She hugged you!” Brenda yelled, her face glowering with rage. “The bitch hugged you! That’s the only way her scent could rub off so strongly. Now don’t fucking lie to me, Lucas, did she hug you or not?”

“No, she didn’t.” He replied and Brenda was about to throw a tantrum and accuse him of lying when he added. “I did, I was the one who hugged her.”

She stopped instantly, it was as if his words froze her in time. “Lucas, I’m not sure I heard you well, what did you just say?” She asked.

“I hugged her.” He replied flatly, still eating as he did.

“Why?” She asked, her shock getting the better of her anger. “Why would you do that?”

“Because she was shivering in fright after the whole thing, she wasn’t herself and that was the only thing I thought of doing to calm her down.” He replied, his calmness only made her more agitated.

“And why is it that your hug was enough to calm her down…why would y
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