

Rodion Konstantin



I was perched on a wooden seat as I watched keenly the rotund man in an expensive midnight six-piece suit. Romero Da'vinci. He resembled her, I could see her eyes in his, her nose was almost of his shape, and the way he would blink twice at once, it was easy to see Alessia in him.

That though was not something to hallelujah at, they had few things in contrast and one was an act of impatience. She was patient, unlike her father. I hated impatient people.

"There is no such a name in my bank records."

"Look again!" I ordered the father of a woman I had in my wings. The two had some important things in my life, who would have thought that a father and his daughter would be a source of the end of the Lazza problems?


"For fuck sake, look again!" I roared as I messed up my posture and leaned closer to the table. "Having had a Gallo in your records means that there are high chances of having him!"

He sighed, that too was something I noticed that Al
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