
Chapter 17

Vincenzo's POV

I poured a drink for myself from my mini bar. Melinda had gone to see her parents so I was alone, I didn't even want her to be around for now, because I lose my vigilance around her.

I was getting prepared for the torture ahead, my phone was by my side as I waited for a particular call to come in, I couldn't imagine the torture I would give to my victims when I confirmed what I was waiting for.

I sent my men to Thomas's apartment in Ohio to fetch me anybody they find in that house. Thomas will regret the day he was born.

My phone rings by my side and I check if it is the men I sent to Ohio to get everyone in Thomas's house. I was expecting that before 8 a.m. they'll be back.

I picked it up, “Boss,” Paulo's voice came through, he was panting loudly, “No one lives in this house, it's empty,” my smile instantly faltered, “what?!”

“Boss, we have already made some recordings to show you, we have searched the whole house, no one lives here, it's like a house that has been aban
Girlie dearie

Someone should send help for Violet 🥲

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