
Chapter Thirty Five

Vanessa’s pov

I slowly opened my eyelids to see an empty bed, I turned back and saw the bed was empty. I slowly sat up on the bed to observe the room and saw it was empty.

‘Thank God he’s not here,’ I thought to myself.

How did I even end sleeping calmly with him? What’s wrong with me ?

My stomach growled out loudly.

“F*ck am hungry”

I stood up from the bed and walked to the washroom.

When I got to the washroom I stripped naked and looked at myself in the mirror, my face was pale.

I turned around and looked at my butt cheek in the mirror,it was still so red and his handprints were still showing there.

I took my bath and wore Dominic’s clothes. I didn’t really have much of a choice. He locked me inside his room and now I’m starving.

I guess this is also another punishment for escaping.

I went back to bed and laid down. I was bored as hell.

After laying for some hours the door finally made a sound and it slowly opened making me sit up on the bed, and behold Dominic came
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