

Grey's POV

Punching the wall in my room angrily so I could release my anger, I looked at my hand and Gosh! It had started bleeding, I cursed myself before walking out of the room. I met Mabel coming forward and walked past her without saying anything, just then I heard her gasp. I continued to walk without looking at her, I was stopped by the girl who suddenly jumped in front of me blocking my way.

"Move away!" I ordered but she wouldn't move. "What did I just say at? To move away isn't it?" I asked again.

"Not until I take care of that bleeding hand of yours!" She sounded like she was challenging me and I was furious but at the same time surprised at her courageousness.

"Are you deaf?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I can hear you well, can't I?" She asked me, I could sense that she was mocking me.

"Get out!" I warned.

"I told you already didn't I? That until I look after that hand of yours I will not leave you" she replied still looking stubborn.

"Take after yourself and not me!"
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