
Reports VII

Lent inhaled, exhaled, then inhaled again, trying to say something to what his friend and leader had just mentioned, but just breaths came out.

He tapped his chest, as if to free the slight pain that had lodged there.

What was that? He never had heart issues. He will have to check in with Jiraq to be on the safe side. Till then, he had to stay and stomach the truth that Kaden just revealed.

Storm was his mate? That would explain his alpha’s hungness on the girl, but why hadn’t he said something earlier, that would have stopped him from developing a crush on her.

It was Casper that still broke the silence, getting tired of spewing curses. Kaden just sat still staring at them, waiting for more reactions.

“What did you just say? Wait…are you already aware of the news that Jutul had been dishing to us all this while?” Casper inquired, disbelief coating his features like a second skin. He was still trying to understand how the feeble girl they have come to know had powers, and now his be
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