
Reports VI

It was official. Storm wasn’t human.

Lent could see the realization in Kaden’s dull movements and Casper’s freeness. The girl wasn’t fragile. She could protect herself. Worse, she had a knack for attracting other supernaturals.

“Jutul, what year are you in?” He heard Kaden asked Jutul, and soughed. Of course, Jutul would have to take over Storm’s investigation and protection. That relaxed him in a way. The lad was capable.

“Second year.” Jutul replied, already knowing the task that might be assigned to him next.

“That’s good. Take care of Storm. Communicate the same to the others in the clan attending the college. Y’all should keep an eye on her. You are in charge. Any form of insubordination, you can report back to me. And lest I forget, just tell them that Storm is a friend if they ask about her. Don’t give any more details other than that statement. That’s all. I don't want any rumors around the clan. Am I clear?” Kaden asked, and Jutul nodded frantically, almost getting up on
Nessa Ty

Finally! Lol.

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