
Chapter Seventy Three


She stared at the mirror in her bathroom, the rage filling her up, when had she become this strange person standing before her, when had the rich and powerful Mel fallen.

Amelia made a sacrifice, she always repeated to herself, Amelia had gone in her place, she had sacrificed for her, then why did she feel this burning resentment and hate, she remembered the day she cried to Amelia for a solution and Amelia came up with one, they had always been best friends, they had always loved each other and Amelia was willing to destroy her own life, she was willing to sacrifice, all for her, all for the stupid love that she thought she had. her father had been right, Jacob was no good, when he had told her over and over again she had ignored him, what she felt for Jacob wasn't love, she later understood, it was an obessession, she placed an Imaginary person in her mind for so long and Jacob had been the perfect man to fill the space, she never looked deep into his flaws, she never once
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