
Badly attacked

"She was attacked so badly , poor soul" A very faint robotic voice sounded making my head only thump louder.

"Shouldn't she be awake by now?" A deep voice snapped only this time the voice was becoming louder.

"She took a hard hit to the head doctor, she's human give her time to heal" Another voice faintly replied.

What did he meant about my being human and giving me time to heal? Heal from what.

I felt my eyes flutter open as I was met with a white ceiling that was above me before I moved my view to my surroundings, my eyes felt heavy but I could recognise a few items in the room.

I noticed that I was laying in a large hospital bed with a large needle coming out of my wrist, that confirmed my assumption that I was in a hospital however I can't remember how I got here.

I attempted to lift my head only to be met with a pounding pain that maid me groan out in pain, where was I? Where was my mum, dad, grandma and the landlord?

Surely if I was in a hospital, they would be here? I began to
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