
Take the pain away


"I marked her" A familiar voice rushed out as I felt my whole body being touched by warm hands that calmed my burning skin down but only enlighten further sparks and shingles that were erupting from my neck.

The voice calmed the rate of my heart down before I realised what was happening, I wasn't dreaming, I was here, I was kidnapped for the second time and the man had me.

I felt my eyes flutter open, revealing a blurry room as my eyes hadn't adjusted to the brightness of the room.

I made out two figures before I realised who one was, it was the man, the man that had kidnapped me. I searched for the second one knot to realise it was the doctor from the first time I was here.

My breathing became heavier as I realised the situation I was now in. If I wasn't going to be killed last time, who knows what there going to do with me now? Why would they go to all this trouble just to kidnap an innocent human.

Questions swarmed around in my head slowly forming a migraine at the
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