
I hate you

His grip loosened on the man's neck until it had unwrapped completely and the man had fallen to the ground his hands reaching up to his own neck as he breathed heavily.

The room was silent apart from the heavy breathing, I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head but my eyes were focused on a pair of gold ones that were staring through me.

His boot covered feet loudly stomped on the ground as he began taking long strides towards me. Why did I have to open my mouth? I didn't know that boy, he's probably just like Four, a kidnapper.

My eyes left his as my eyes desperately searched those in the crowd who stared blankly at Four, none of them made an attempt to move or to stop him they remained glued to the ground.

I felt his large warm hand grip onto my arm tightly causing my head to snap up towards his. His face bent down so that it was now at level with mine, I could feel his heavy breaths fan my face as his body radiated warmth towards me.

"I told you not to speak" His voice ca
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