


"Maddie please, don't do this." He sighed raising his hands in the air in a defence position taking another step forward.

I opened my mouth and met out a piercing scream, it lasted for around twenty seconds. Long enough for Dylan to back away from me and the lady around the till to come rushing around.

It felt as if the next few moments were played out in slow motion the women had barley reached me when I heard the door of the cafe slam open the impact a lot larger than mine that it caused the glass on the door to shatter.

My eyes shot to the doorway which was being took up by Fours large stance who's whole body was clenched his chest heaving up and down his golden eyes set on me before flickering to Dylan.

My eyes widened as he took no time before he stalked over his long legs carrying him to my side where he reached out grabbing ahold of my arm pulling my into his large chest blocking my view from the rest of the cafe.

I felt heat radiating of his body as his chest huffed and puff
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