
Need them

I immediately left Dylan's side pushing past him and quickly pushing open the cafe door resulting in it slamming on the wall with a little to much force.

I winced slightly at the loud noise that filled the quiet and almost empty cafe apart from the lady behind the till, a women sitting in the corner of the room and my grandma.

My eyes focused on her as her eyes snapped up at the loud noise before they met mine widening slightly as she sprung up from her chair, she may be in her sixties but that women does more exercise than most people I know.

"Maddie!" She exclaimed as I rushed forward meeting her before I felt her long arms wrap around my waist squeezing as if I was a lemon that she was attempting to make Lemon juice.

"Grandma, thank god your here" I mumbled into her chest.

"Oh Maddie, look at you it's only been a few weeks and you've changed." She sighed as I felt her brush away my long brown hair from my face pulling back slightly her eyes barking into mine.

"I want to come home,
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