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"No chance" He chuckled to himself as if what he took what is said as a joke. All I asked if we could ga exploring, I even told him that he could come with me and he thought I was joking?

"Then I'll not speak to you" I shot back, I knew he hated it when I refused to speak to him which I was on the verge on right now.

"Cool" He passed me off not bothering to look up from his phone screen as he leaned over the kitchen table. I don't think I'd bloody remember how to use one it's been that long, I use to not be able to go without my phone for an hour. It's been like months and I haven't went crazy yet, almost.

"Four! Listen to me!" I exclaimed slamming down the glass of water onto the surface causing some of the water to go flying out and land in puddles around the table.

"What do you want now? Can't you go take a nap or something, today's my day off don't bother me" He sighed his voice raising slightly as he wiped away the spilt water with his sleeve

It's a first that he doesn't want me
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