
⊰ 8 ⊱ More Than Calculations

I lean back in my chair, rubbing my tired eyes as I stare at the complex equations sprawled across the computer screen. It’s been a week since I agreed to help Ben and Pablo with the nano-drone project, and while the excitement of being part of something so groundbreaking still thrums through my veins, I can’t deny the toll it’s starting to take on me.

Between my studies, my dissertation, and the long hours in the lab, I’m beginning to feel stretched thin. The days seem to blur together, a never-ending cycle of coffee, calculations, and the soft glow of computer screens.

Am I in over my head?

The thought lingers in the back of my mind as I watch Ben stand up from his workstation, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. “Anyone else ready for a lunch break?” he asks, glancing between Pablo and me.

Pablo nods, pushing back from his own desk. “I could go for a burger. There’s a great little joint just a couple of miles down the road. Y’

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