
180 Gossips!


Looking round in shock, i saw that different groups of people, media houses I guess, are upon us. Although it’s obvious they were not allowed into the shop, some of them had been brave enough to come to the door just to quickly capture some pictures of their favorite business mogul.

And how unfortunate that it was when Christos was showing his affection!

‘He must be angry.’ I thought to myself with dismay as I turned my head to take a glance at him, but I could not ascertain anything. If he was, then it’s not apparent on his face, his expression was polite, almost wry as a matter of fact. As if he did not really care one way or the other.

“Ignore them agape mou. They ain’t the reason we are here.” He murmured softly into my ears and I shivered slightly from the tingle. Another click of the camera sounded again and I sighed. It was obvious these people would not stop.

“Reading my mind again. Aren’t you?” I murmured wryly to the man beside me, not even angry or surprised aga
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