
Chapter 11: Fake Profile


"Tania?!" Marcus' replied.

The sleep seemed to have cleared from his eyes.

"Yes, Marcus! It's me!" My voice cracked as I spoke to him but I didn't care. It felt so good to speak to my friend again, after so long.

If there was one person I trusted, then it was Marcus.

"How?" He whispered. "You're dead!"

I could hear the shock and disbelief in his voice. But all I could do was chuckle.

"Seems I must have resurrected then." I joked.

"If this is a prank I advise that you stop it immediately or I call the police." Marcus hissed sternly.

"Marcus is me, Tania. It's not a prank." I tell him.

"Oh Tania! My sweet girl." Marcus cooed joyfully. "I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too." I replied as my excitement opened my tear glands.

"Where are you? What happened to you? I looked for you everywhere. I went to the police and went to every hospital. You were nowhe
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