
31: MAY I

I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

I pull out another skimpy shirt; more lingerie than t-shirt. “Fuck…” I whisper to myself, frantically going through the rest of the clothes in my luggage. Where are the comfortable jeans? The pajamas that don’t make me look like a stripper? The normal oversized t-shirts? There’s nothing in here but the skimpiest items of clothing that I own; some of them ones that I hadn't even worn before.

Oh that little devil. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her when she offered to help me pack. I should've checked the damn luggage. I should've done the packing myself. I should've seen through her false angelic smile.

“You’re dead meat, Wilma.” I mutter to myself, balling fistfuls of the scarlet chemise in my hands. “Just wait until I get back. Je vais te tuer.”

And if I had been paired with Evin in the room, it wouldn't have been much of a problem to wear the skimpy nightgowns, but it’s William for heavens sake. I bury my face in the pillow, thinking of what to d
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