
Chapter Forty-Six

Over the next few weeks, we settled into a routine. My days were filled with pack business and my evenings were spent with either Stienn or Einar as they taught me the old pack legends so I could pass them on to the pack. And my evenings were spent holed up in my room with my mates after a nightly phone conversation with Blaze. We were intimately familiar with one another now, with no hesitation or shyness on my part to be with them both. Being with them both is just as effortless and comfortable as being with one of them.

It was easy and comfortable and I felt secure in the fact that the pack was finally settled. There was no end date for Einar and Steinn's visit and the pack liked having them around to share stories, I think it helped a lot of us original Ravenfield members connect with our origins and roots. For the first time in a long time, the pack and its grounds were at peace. It all came to an end a week before Halloween in the form of a blood-red envelope sealed with gold wa

Finally another one up. I was hoping to have this booked wrapped up by this point so I could focus on other projects but so far it's not seeming to pan out that way. Please bare with me as I was not expecting this time of year to be as hectic and busy as it has been. My focus is always my children and their needs and I write when I can, hopefully, with the holiday break coming up I can get a few more chapters done for all of you. I hope to have another one done and up in the next few days. As always I love hearing from all of you. <3

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goodnovel comment avatar
Debbie Proffer
Wonder what the stupid council wants and her husband to be needs to fess up to what the hell he’s doing.
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