
V2 Chapter 75 One Big Happy Team 2/2

Manor POV

*Growls* Damn that Hikaru! What the hell is he thinking?! How can he trick Kaen like this!!

I know that Kaen is an idiot for even thinking of trying to kill Hikaru, Misaki's son but that doesn't give him the right to do something so cruel!! Yes, it does higher the chances of Kaen not killing you because he loves you..... but it doesn't change the fact that it's still horrible!

Starting to think about this might even fuel his determination to kill Hikaru!

I mean finding out a lover figure is the guy you're supposed to kill? And that lover knew and approaches anyway, plotting every move to sway your decision while taking away your destiny?!! A destiny that was given by Misaki and taken away by Misaki... Wait... How is Hikaru at fault here? I mean it's not like he forced his mother to give it to him, right?.... Wait but how can Kaen be V7 if he doesn't have a grantee?... Could Kaen be an imposter? But V6 called him V7 and they did grow up together. .... V6 would notic
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