
Chapter Fifty One - Returned

Kari's POV

I opened my eyes and squinted. The room I was in was bright as hell. I blinked a few times until I was used to the light. I looked around the white room, there was an annoying beeping. The sun shone through the big windows. A needle was in the back of my hand and connected to a drip. The beeping came from a heart monitor that was attached to me. I huffed. I was in the clinic at the Royal pack. I was home. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I hated hospitals, but at least I was home. Something squeezed the hand without the drip, and I turned my head to see a mop of dark hair. I lifted my free hand and ran my hand through the hair, eliciting a moan before he shot upright in realisation.

"Kari. thank God." He muttered. I frowned.

"What?"I asked.

"You are awake."

"Yes, I only fell asleep." I spoke.

"Love, you've been asleep for four days." He said standing and pressing the nurse call button before leaning down and kissing my forehead and lips. "I was so worried."

"Obviously I wa
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