
Endless love!

After Sergio had helped her put everything away, she climbed into bed again, watching him as he lay on his side facing her, gazing directly at her with a small grin adorning his face.

He was still completely naked. She felt incredibly flustered as she gazed at his body. She couldn't deny that he was gorgeous.

His muscles were strong, defined, and perfectly sculpted. His skin was clear, flawless, and unblemished. His dark curls fell gracefully on his forehead, framing his face beautifully.

His eyes were soft and kind and filled with warmth. He had always had a sort of irresistible attractiveness to him. Not that she was complaining of course. But she really, really liked him.

More than just a friend. A lot more than just friends. She knew that he felt the same way about her too. She could tell by the way he looked at her, the way he held her. The way he kissed her.

Everything he had done was an indication of how much he cared for her. Everything that he did. Even if he didn't say
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